Vol. 10 No. 1 (2017): January - June

Dear readers,

In this issue of Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management (JOSCM), we bring to you the outcomes of our special issue on Advances in Supply Chain and Logistics Management for a more Sustainable Society. This special issue is edited by Ernesto DR Santibanez Gonzalez (Universidad de Talca, Chile), and Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour (University of Stirling, UK). In the introduction of the special issue, the editors describe the importance of the theme and the topics covered.   

In addition to the papers of the special issue, JOSCM also presents two papers on logistics and purchasing from our continuous flow. May, Atkison, and Ferrer (2017) explore the application of the weighted non-linear optimization inventory prioritization technique in a maritime wholesale supply chain in the military sector. Campos and Mello (2017), in their turn, use case studies to understand the transaction costs associated with sustainable purchasing.

I would also like to announce that this is my last issue as Editor-in-chief. During the two years I spent in this role, we published four issues that covered a wide range of subjects in supply and operations management. Researchers from all the continents have submitted manuscripts to our review process and the issues counted with authors from different nationalities and affiliations. As part of our administrative efforts, we have upgraded our IT system, invited section editors, obtained several indexes and invested in marketing actions to keep JOSCM an international journal.

Professor Luciana Vieira (FGV EAESP) will be the new Editor-in-chief. I am sure the JOSCM community can expect great achievements over the next years.

Juliana Bonomi Santos
Editor-in-chief from June/2015 to June/2017
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management


Published: 2017-06-28

Special issue on Advances in Supply Chain and Logistics Management for a More Sustainable Society

03.Logistics and Supply Chain

05.Sustainability of Operations

Editorial Information