Award Adriano Romariz Duarte

The Adriano Romariz Duarte Award for Economics aims to stimulate research involving mathematical and statistical models and is supported by the Brazilian Econometric Society (SBE). Articles will be evaluated by a panel composed of specialists in Economics, who are generally professors and researchers from Brazilian and foreign universities and research institutions.

Articles submitted in English and published in the Brazilian Review of Econometrics in 2016 and 2017 will automatically compete for the award. Articles can be submitted via the website:

Date for announcing the winners: April 1st 2018.

The Award will be granted every two years, so that articles published in 2018/2019 will compete for the 2020 award.


Adriano Romariz Duarte Award

The Brazilian Review of Econometrics, which up until Volume 20, Number 1, May 2000, was titled the Revista de Econometria, is indexed in CAPES (QUALIS), in EconLit (Journal of Economic Literature), in RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), and in ISI (International Scientific Indexing). It semestrally publishes articles that present the results from studies in numerous areas, all of which share the common feature of the hypotheses, arguments, and conclusions being expressed in a formally precise way, compiled and presented in the form of mathematical or statistical models. 

The Adriano Romariz Duarte Award was established and granted for the first time in 1994 and has, every two years, been given to various articles published in the Brazilian Review of Econometrics:


  • 1994 - "Strategic Behavior in Ascending-Price Multiple-Object Auctions", Flávio Marques Menezes - Revista de Econometria, Year XIV, Number 1, April 1994 / October 1994;
  • 1996 - “Public Deficit, The Sustainability of Growth in Internal and External Debts,  Seigniorage, and Inflation: An Analysis of the Brazilian Monetary Regime”, Affonso Celso Pastore - Revista de Econometria, Year XIV, Number 2, November 1994 / March 1995;“Mechanisms of Candidate Admission to Institutions. Modeling and Analysis in Light of Game Theory”, Marilda Sotomayor - Revista de Econometria, Volume 16, Number 1, April 1996;
  • 1998 - “Corrected Estimators for Non-Linear SUR Models”, Gauss M. Cordeiro and Klaus L.P. Vasconcellos - Revista de Econometria, Volume 17, Number 1, May 1997;"Cournotian Competition under Knigthian Uncertainty", Sérgio Ribeiro da Costa Werlang and Hugo Pedro Boff - Revista de Econometria, Volume 18, Number 2, November 1998;
  • 2000 - "The Slippery Slope: Explaining the Increase in Extreme Poverty in Urban Brazil, 1976 - 1996", Francisco H.G. Ferreira and Ricardo Paes de Barros - Revista de Econometria, Volume 19, Number 2, November 1999;
  • 2002 - “Towards a Truthful Land Taxation Mechanism in Brazil", Humberto Luiz Ataíde Moreira (EPGE-FGV) and Juliano Junqueira Assunção (PUC-RIO) - Brazilian Review of Econometrics,  Volume 21, Number 1, May 2001;"A Monthly Indicator of Brazilian GDP", Marcelle Chauvet (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) - Brazilian Review of Econometrics, Volume 21, Number 1, May 2001 (Special Mention);
  • 2004 - "A Competitive Growth Model with Endogenous Fertility", Fernando Veloso (Ibmec-RJ Faculties) – Brazilian Review of Econometrics,  Volume 23, Number 1, May 2003;"Overreaction of Yield Spreads and Movements of Brazilian Interest Rates", Ricardo D. Brito (Ibmec-SP), Angelo José Mont'Alverne Duarte (Brazilian Central Bank), and Osmani Teixeira de Carvalho Guillén (Brazilian Central Bank and Ibmec-RJ Faculties) – Brazilian Review of Econometrics, Volume 24, Number 1, May 2004;
  • 2006 - "Intergenerational Mobility of Wages in Brazil", Sergio Guimarães Ferreira (Ibmec-RJ) and Fernando Augusto Adeodato Veloso (Ibmec-RJ) – Brazilian Review of Econometrics, Volume 26, Number 2, November 2006;
  • 2008 - "The Trade-off between Incentives and Endogenous Risk", Aloísio Araújo (IMPA and EPGE-FGV), Humberto Moreira (EPGE-FGV), and Marcos Tsuchida (EESP-FGV) – Brazilian Review of Econometrics, Volume 27, Number 2, November 2007;
  • 2010 - "Labor Supply, Criminal Behavior, and Income Distribution", Marcelo Rodrigues dos Santos (FGV/EPGE) – Brazilian Review of Econometrics, Volume 29, Number 2, November 2009.
  • 2017  - "Hetereogeneous Sticky-Information Economies" Carlos Viana de Carvalho (PUC-Rio e Banco Central do Brasil) - Brazilian Review of Econometrics,Volume 37,Number 2, November 2017.