Social Cohesion and Congruence Theory: Latin America, a divided region

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Fernando Duque


The lack of social cohesion in Latin America is the subject of this paper. Several indicators of this phenomenon are presented here, such as the chronic political instability, the wave of criminality and the emigration to more developed regions. It is argued that the principal cause of the phenomenon is the systemic incongruence between the cultural sub-system in one hand and the political and economic subsystems in the other. At the beginning of the XXI century this incongruence entered in a critical point. Many countries of the planet are in the process of solving this incongruence, being Russia the most emblematic country of this process. In Latin America the process has also began, being Cuba and Venezuela the leaders of this new revolutionary movement.


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How to Cite
Duque, F. (2008). Social Cohesion and Congruence Theory: Latin America, a divided region. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 6(3), 1 a 7. Retrieved from