Voices of diversity: a study about the inclusion experiences of managers and people with disabilities in five 'paulista' organizations

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Janette Brunstein
Claudia Aparecida Serrano


The objective of this research is to understand the meaning related to the inclusion experiences of managers and their People with disabilities (PwD) subordinates within the everyday working relation at great organizations. Following the basic or generic qualitative studies by Merriam, an investigation was conducted at five ‘Paulista’ organizations which adopted formal diversity and inclusion policies: three from the financial sector (one Private National Bank, one Multinational Bank and a Public Bank), a publishing market company and a public organization of the transport sector. Although the results highlights that, in spite of all the advances, the discourse and the praxis of inclusion at great organizations do not always conciliate the respect to the difference with opportunity equalities, and that the experiences are concentrated in the paradigm of support and services, much more than the paradigm of empowerment of PwD, the study contributes to the understanding of what is inclusion and its implications for PwD, managers and even to the organization.


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How to Cite
Brunstein, J., & Serrano, C. A. (2008). Voices of diversity: a study about the inclusion experiences of managers and people with disabilities in five ’paulista’ organizations. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 6(3), 1 a 27. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/cadernosebape/article/view/5085