Social Tourism as a vehicle for development, social inclusion and leisure in the interior of Pernambuco: a case study of the Sesc Triunfo


  • Sílvia Cavadinha Cândido dos Santos
  • Gilson dos Santos
  • Ilsa Maria Araújo Galvão
  • Fátima Bayma
  • Antônio Inocêncio Lima



This article demonstrates the importance of the internalization of the Center for Tourism and Leisure — CTL SESC Triunfo —, in the interior of Pernambuco State, which went beyond the operation of its hotel unit, by extending its actions to the community. Its performance as a social inclusion factor has been providing local development with a solid foundation in the Global Network of Social Tourism of SESC. The validation of the role of this hotel unit stemmed from an exploratory and descriptive case study. Scripts were developed and interviews were implemented. Data collection and processing passed through quantitative and qualitative phases. The CTL was contextualized, the city's story highlighted, and the terms: leisure, tourism and social inclusion were the base of the study. The results showed the importance of CTL and presented suggestions to SESC´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´s social work at local, regional and national levels.




