The Brazilian Review of Finance is the official publication of the Brazilian Society of Finance and aims at the progress and the dissemination of finance knowledge in Brazil through the publication of technical articles in all fields of research in finance and financial economics. The Brazilian Review of Finance is indexed by Econlit/JEL, RedALyC, Gale, Google Scholar, Portal Spell, and Fonte Academica, an electronic resource offered by EBSCO Publishing. The Review is listed in several directories, including DOAJ and Latindex. The Review is ranked A4 (Business) and A4 (Economics) by the Ministry of Education.



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Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024): April-June

Published: 06/19/2024

Dominated ETFs

Fernando Chague, Leonardo Luna


Sustainable withdrawal strategies for Brazilian REITs portfolios

Guilherme Pettene Dantas, Juliano Pardelinhas Cardoso, Jacob Scharcanski


The role of alternative investments in Brazilian portfolios

Miguel Cunha Bousquet Viana, André Luiz Carvalhal da Silva, Raphael Moses Roquete


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ISSN 1679-0731 (print) and 1984-5146 (on-line) Full articles are available only in the language they were originally published, either English or Portuguese. All articles have an English abstract.