Entrevista com Matthew Connelly



Entrevista com Matthew Connelly

Biografia do Autor

Celso Castro, Fundação Getulio Vargas - CPDOC

Celso Castro is full professor and the Dean of CPDOC, the School of Social Sciences of Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil.  He holds a PhD (1989) and an MA (1995) in Social Anthropology from Museu Nacional/UFRJ. He is the editor of the collection Nova Biblioteca de Ciências Sociais, of Zahar Publishing House, a traditional publisher of the social sciences’ most classic and innovative oeuvre in Brazil. Castro Works on the intersection of Anthropology and History, espceially regarding Brazill’s history of the military. He has many publications on the topic, among which O espírito militar (Zahar, 1990, 2ª ed. rev., 2004), Os militares e a República (Zahar, 1995), A invenção do Exército brasileiro (Zahar, 2002), Antropologia dos militares (FGV, 2009, co-org.), Exército e nação (FGV, 2012), Qualitative Methods in Military Studies (co-org, Routledge, 2013) and Researching the Military (co-org., Routledge, 2016). He was one of the editors of na eight-volume series about figures from the military in Brazilian post-1964 History. He also published and edited in Portuguese a series of classic anthropological and sociological texts, and authored other volumes about the social scientific methods and theories. Castro was a memeber of the Executive Board of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA, 2004-2008) and a visiting researcher or professor Florida University (1991-2), Oxford (2000), Grenoble (2009) and El Colegio de México (Cátedra Florestan Fernandes, 2010).

Arbel Griner, Fundação Getulio Vargas - CPDOC

Arbel Griner is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Princeton University’s Global Health Program. She holds a PhD in Collective Health from the Institute for Social Medicine of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2019). She uses her multi-disciplinary training in social medicine, social studies of science and technology and anthropology to produce a nuanced critical perspective of how ideas of pathology, normalcy and health are conceptualized in contemporary neuroscience and how these ideas are integrated into medicine, public health, and ethical debates. She was the vice-dean of FGV/CPDOC from 2013 to 2018, and also helped founding and coordinating the institution’s Center for Audiovisual and Documentary. Griner holds an MA in Sociology and Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a BA in Journalism from PUC-Rio.





