Circuits of unofficial propaganda

Amaral Netto celebrates the 150 years of Independence (1972)


  • Fernando Seliprandy Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba (PR), Brasil.


ditadura, audiovisual, cavação, colaboracionismo, Amaral Netto, Sesquicentenário


A single film can reveal much about the symbiotic relationships between civilian sectors and the dictatorship established with the 1964 coup. This case study investigates Brazil year 150, a documentary short film by Amaral Netto celebrating the sesquicentennial of Independence (1972). It traces a circuit of unofficial propaganda gathered around this film. Rooted in history and audiovisual studies, it combines immanent film analysis with extra-filmic sources detailing the object’s trajectory, including archiving, production, censorship, and circulation. In conclusion, this short film witnesses a “modernization” of the old cinematic “cavação”
(commissioned films) for a more structured audiovisual collaborationism.

Author Biography

Fernando Seliprandy, Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba (PR), Brasil.

Assistant Professor at the History Department of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Post-doctorate with a scholarship from Fapesp (process #2021/07062-8) at the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP), with a project on audiovisual media in the context of Brazil's 150 years of Independence, in 1972. Ph.D. and Master's degrees in Social History from USP, researching the relations between history, memory, and audiovisual in the representations of the dictatorships in Brazil and the Southern Cone. Worked as professor of Theory of History at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) (1st sem. 2022); as professor at the History Department of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) (2019-2020); and as research fellow at the National Library Foundation (2021). Author of the book "A luta armada no cinema: ficção, documentário, memória" (2015). Visiting student at Centro di studi interdisciplinare su memorie e traumi culturali (TraMe), University of Bologna (Unibo), Italy (2016-2017), and at Centro de Investigación y Nuevos Estudios sobre Cine (CIyNE), University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina (2014). Member of the CNPq research group "História e Audiovisual: circularidades e formas de comunicação" and Red de Investigadores sobre Cine Latinoamericano (RICiLA).

