Female-led Inclusive businesses: a search for theoretical and empirical advances

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Edson Sadao Iizuka
Heise Santos Costa


This study contributes with theoretical and empirical reflections on female entrepreneurs from the perspective of post-structuralist feminism and on inclusive business based on the academic literature on poverty and social exclusion. The study consisted of exploratory qualitative research based on the triangulation of the theoretical framework, content analysis of in-depth interviews, and secondary data obtained from documents. The results of this research corroborate previous studies regarding the characteristics of social entrepreneurs and offer complementary insights to the academic literature. The study shows that female entrepreneurs in inclusive businesses act based on building partnerships, valuing listening, and sharing decisions. They have a higher level of education, value learning opportunities, prioritize working with other women, and work in both formal and informal women’s networks. In addition, based on the type of business, the target public, and the way entrepreneurs understand their organizations, it was possible to identify four types of inclusive businesses: (i) inclusion of consumers from the base of the pyramid; (ii) inclusion of people through labor, service provision and suppliers in the value chain; (iii) inclusion through advocacy and guarantee of rights, and (iv) those aimed at self-inclusion. The last two areincipient in the academic literature and, at the same time, illustrate challenges and problems of social gender construction and structural issues in Brazilian society.


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How to Cite
Iizuka, E. S., & Costa, H. S. (2022). Female-led Inclusive businesses: a search for theoretical and empirical advances. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 20(4), 417–435. https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-395120220011


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