The new meaning of labour for the post-modern subject: a critical approach

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Ricardo Henry Dias Rohm
Natália Fonseca Lopes


The objective of this article is to examine the ways in which the management society develops a representation of the world and the human being in their minds, so that the only apparent way of self-realization consists of the logic of productivity and its psychical and social relations, making the companies a reference for human development. Today there is a need of a self-malleable being, always open to new experiences; these are appropriated conditions for a short term job: flexible institutions and the new employment conditions. Employability is a macro-device of micro-political control in the production of subjectivities (ROHM, 2003). Sennett (2000) says that the meaning of life and death does not count. And that is why you should open up to human bonds and soul satisfaction, and not only to capitalism. To support this article, we seek the constructive path of the concept of work to achieve the current management in post-modernity. Thus it is expected to broaden the understanding of this phenomenon and enable the production of more effective methods and humanizing practice of managing people in organizations. A bibliographic research will be adopted through reviewing the literature of social sciences and critical theory applied to the analysis of the current management. According to Faria (2007), Critical Theory aims to develop formulations that penetrate the shape and substance, seeking to question the apparent reality and embrace the reality hidden in organizational structures.


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How to Cite
Rohm, R. H. D., & Lopes, N. F. (2015). The new meaning of labour for the post-modern subject: a critical approach. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 13(2), 332 a 345. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ricardo Henry Dias Rohm, UFRJ/ FACC - PEP-Rohm

Doutor em Administração (FGV/EBAPE). Professor da Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (FACC/UFRJ). Endereço: Av. Pasteur, 250. Praia Vermelha – Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Email:  Fundador e coordenador do Programa de Estudos e Pesquisas em Desenvolvimento Humano, Formação de Lideranças e Governança Corporativa PEP-ROHM. Site do Programa:

Natália Fonseca Lopes, UFRJ-PEP-Rohm

Graduada em Administração pela Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (FACC/UFRJ). Integrante do Programa de Estudos e Pesquisas em Desenvolvimento Humano, Formação de Lideranças e Governança Corporativa PEP-ROHM. E-mail: