Gauging the efficiency of magistrates and of judicial courts in the state of Ceará, Brazil: the system of Eficiência.jus

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Leonel Gois Lima Oliveira
José Marcelo Maia Nogueira
Kátia Michelle Matos de Oliveira
Sérgio Mendes de Oliveira Filho


This paper aims to outline the characteristics of Eficiência.jus, a Decision-making Support System for gauging the efficiency of judicial courts and magistrates. This system is based on the methodology known as “Data Envelopment Analysis” (DEA). The Eficiência.jus system was developed in order to produce statistically analyzed information aimed at helping the decision-making process of managers and to serve as objective support for promotion in the careers of state judges. While characterizing the system, the paper also promotes a discussion focused on the managerial difficulties encountered at the time of its conception and development. It also emphasizes the basic organizational conditions required for it to be fully operational.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, L. G. L., Nogueira, J. M. M., Oliveira, K. M. M. de, & Oliveira Filho, S. M. de. (2016). Gauging the efficiency of magistrates and of judicial courts in the state of Ceará, Brazil: the system of Eficiência.jus. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 14(3), 836 a 857. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Leonel Gois Lima Oliveira, EBAPE/FGV

Doutorando em Administação pela EBAPE/FGV; Mestre em Administração pela UECE; Graduado em Administração pela UFC.

José Marcelo Maia Nogueira, Escola Superior de Magistratura do Estado do Ceará - ESMEC

Mestre em Administração Pública e Governo pela EAESP-FGV; Graduado em Administração pela UFC.

Kátia Michelle Matos de Oliveira, Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Ceará - TJCE

Mestre em Logística e Pesquisa Operacional pela UFC; Graduada em Estatística pela UFC.

Sérgio Mendes de Oliveira Filho, Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Ceará - TJCE

Mestre em Economia pela UFC; Graduado em Economia pela UFC.

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