Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of systems of values in Organizations

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Paulo Reis Vieira
Antonio Semeraro Rito Cardoso


The object of this work is to reflect on the question of what is generally refered to as organizational values. It also aims to develop and expand our understanding of the mechanisms of construction and reconstruction of values within organizations. The work tries to identify the nuances woven into this complex web of construction of individual values and how they are inter-linked within the continuous process of construction and reconstruction and the manner in which they interact within the organizational context establishing a system of organizational singularity. The authors thus identified a common view that organizational values are generated by the organizations themselves, almost as if they were individual beings with a life of their own capable of generating organizational values and then imposing them on those they employ and the market. The essence of this work was therefore to reflect on organizational values versus individual values and the process leading to their construction and reconstruction in the search for what we call organizational singularity.


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How to Cite
Vieira, P. R., & Cardoso, A. S. R. (2003). Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of systems of values in Organizations. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 1(2), 56–67.


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