Sustainable consumption: limits and possibilities of greening and politicizing consumption practices

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Fátima Portilho


The recent perception of environmental impact of modern consumption patterns and the centrality of this discourse inside the mainstream of Western environmentalism is explained by two discursive "shifts". We will analyse the promises and pitfalls of green consumption proposals and the constraints and possibilities of changing current consumption patterns through the sustainable consumption politics strategies. The present work aims to discuss the following question: which possibilities to enlarge or to inhibit the participation on public domain does emerge with the shift of environmental politics towards the consumption field. Instead of restating the consumer alienation, manipulation and heteronomy, or supporting at once their power and freedom of choice, we chose to stress the dialog of contemporary social theory which accepts the possibility of new ways of political action by the articulation of public and private domains. Thus, the environment and consumption debate can be done not only in a public but also private arena, comprehending topics from both domains. Through this debate, the environmental issue can be placed where private concerns and public issues get together.


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How to Cite
Portilho, F. (2005). Sustainable consumption: limits and possibilities of greening and politicizing consumption practices. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 3(3), 1 a 12. Retrieved from