Internal actions turning to innovation foment: companies need to do their "homework"

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Tales Andreassi


Government has a fundamental role in the development of an efficient national innovation system, strong enough to allow the development of R&D and innovation in firms. Thus companies constantly expect several programs and policies from Government in order to support their technological innovation. This is a fundamental condition if Brazil wants to reach a higher level of development. However, not only the Government, but also the companies need to develop some actions for a better innovative result, i.e., companies need to do their "homework". The objective of this paper is to discuss and analyze some of these actions to support the innovation in companies.


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How to Cite
Andreassi, T. (2005). Internal actions turning to innovation foment: companies need to do their "homework". Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 3(Especial), 1 a 10. Retrieved from