Organizational resilience and social marketing: an assessment of foundations and affinities

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Daniel Kamlot




This essay relates the concepts of organizational resilience to those of social marketing, exposing the commonalities between the fields of study and identifying how both associate to each other. Based on the analysis of the literature on both themes, an assessment of the confluences between resilience and the basic attributes of social marketing was made, in order to identify aspects that articulate such domains of knowledge. The proposal presented here indicates that adaptation and change — of behaviors, ways of proceeding, and attitudes, among others — are responsible for linking the study of resilience to the principles of social marketing, both of which are bound by the need to change behaviors and by the required suitability to certain unexpected situations. Regarding social marketing, a focus on the generation of social welfare was observed, while in the case of organizational resilience, companies focused on the inherent need to change to be competitive in the market, taking advantage of opportunities that may arise from a situation of rupture.


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How to Cite
Kamlot, D. (2017). Organizational resilience and social marketing: an assessment of foundations and affinities. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 15(Especial), 482–495. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Daniel Kamlot, EBAPE-FGV; ESPM; PUC-Rio

Professor da EBAPE-FGV; Professor da ESPM; Professor da PUC-Rio, Depto. de Administração.