Accumulation of technological capabilities in the defense industry in emerging economies: the experience of the REMAX and TORC30 projects in the Brazilian Army

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Luiz Henrique Abreu Dal Bello
Paulo N. Figueiredo
Thainá Ballero dos Anjos de Almeida


This study examines the process of accumulation of technological capabilities for innovation and the role of the underlying processes of technological learning in the projects REMAX and TORC30 (Brazilian Army’s weapons system)(TORC30), from 1999 to 2016. Based on primary and secondary empirical evidence, on a scale that identifies levels of technological capabilities and on a model of technological learning processes, the study identified the evolution of technological capabilities from a basic to an advanced level. These capabilities are reflected in innovative activities such as prototyping, design, and research and development (R&D). They have been accumulated through deliberate efforts and activated learning mechanisms used cyclically in four cumulative steps: (i) preparation, (ii) acquisition of external knowledge, (iii) assimilation of externally acquired knowledge and knowledge internally created, and (iv) application in innovative activities. Therefore, the study explores, from the micro point of view, the nature and learning process underlying the capacity of accumulating innovation in an industry where this perspective is rarely applied, particularly in the Brazilian context. The defense industry plays an important role in the development of countries. The technological innovations implemented within this industry generate important demands, such as professionals and scientific and technological activities of various components of the national production and innovation system, as well as the potential application of such innovations, in several ways, in other industries, and in society as a whole.


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How to Cite
Dal Bello, L. H. A., Figueiredo, P. N., & Almeida, T. B. dos A. de. (2020). Accumulation of technological capabilities in the defense industry in emerging economies: the experience of the REMAX and TORC30 projects in the Brazilian Army. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 18(3), 431–458.
Author Biography

Thainá Ballero dos Anjos de Almeida, Fundação Getulio Vargas / Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas (FGV EBAPE)

Bolsista de Iniciação Científica PIBIC/CNPq

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