Sweet & sour: Postcolonial professional kitchens in the postmodernity

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Carlos Henrique Gonçalves Freitas
Cintia Rodrigues
Valdir Machado Valadão Junior


Inequality is a historical issue in Brazil, an inheritance of entangled and interdependent social, economic, political and legal injustices. This article summarizes a research on fine-dining restaurant kitchens in the city of Uberlandia, a major economic and migration hub in central Brazil, seeking to expose instances of inequalities replicated in these organizations. It attempts to offer a critical study of unfolding dialogues between its employees’ perspectives of their socio-cultural contexts and those of the organizations and their own contextual particularities, using the notions of medievality, global city and foodscape as categories of analysis, with further considerations on organization studies, postcolonialism and postmodernity. Its research corpus’ empirical material was collected through shadowing chefs in two restaurants and was analyzed in the light of those categories and considerations. It was possible to interpret that such workers, organizations, and their contexts reproduce symbols, behaviors and representations that may operate as sources of social distinction for their customers, but, paradoxically, may reinforce the inequalities that motivated the research.


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How to Cite
Freitas, C. H. G., Rodrigues, C., & Valadão Junior, V. M. (2020). Sweet & sour: Postcolonial professional kitchens in the postmodernity. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 18(Especial), 807–820. https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-395120190049

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