Dynamic capabilities based on knowledge and transformation in business models in the industry 4.0 scenario

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Gabriele Girardi


This theoretical essay explores theories related to business models and dynamic knowledge-based capabilities in the digital transformation scenario. First, the main theoretical foundations that conceptualize the themes of business models, innovation in business models, digital transformation, and dynamic capabilities based on knowledge are pointed out. Subsequently, two propositions are presented and discussed. We propose that digital capability is dynamic as it affects the company’s knowledge capacity, just as the dynamic knowledge capability can stimulate digital capability. We also propose that not only dynamic knowledge-based capability is necessary for developing a sustainable business model, but the emergence of immediate profits can affect the business model in the company’s future. This essay brings theoretical contributions, which can be used in future works, and practical and managerial contributions, which managers and decision-makers can use.


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Girardi, G. (2023). Dynamic capabilities based on knowledge and transformation in business models in the industry 4.0 scenario. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 21(1), e2022–0108. https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-395120220108


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