Special issue: infrastructure delivery and project management in low-and middle-income economies

Main Article Content

Lavagnon Ika
Marcos Lopez Rego
Vered Holzmann
Nuno Gil


This presentation introduces the special issue of Cadernos EBAPE.BR, focusing on the theme of infrastructure delivery and project management in low-and-middle income economies. This work highlights the rationale for the special issue and summarizes the articles published. Infrastructure projects operate in a complex environment and must handle multi-level management governance. These challenges are even more pronounced in low-and-middle income economies. Therefore, an infrastructure project management system must not only consider its internal structure but also the changes and impacts the project has on both internal and external environments. The thematic section of this special issue features four articles. The first article, presented by Carneiro (2023), takes a critical perspective on project studies with a focus on the World Bank’s role and influence. The World Bank is one of the primary funding sources for infrastructure projects and has committed to increasing investments in infrastructure from billions to trillions of US dollars. Pereira, Gomide, Machado, and Ibiapino (2023) as well as Pinto and Teixeira (2023) concentrate on Brazilian Amazon infrastructure megaprojects. Finally, Barros, Carvalho, and Brasil (2023) discuss inland waterway transportation in Brazil. This special issue aims to delve into project management studies related to the delivery of large-scale infrastructure projects, encompassing public-private governance issues, project execution, and stakeholder engagement. The four articles provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges Brazil faces in executing such projects. They all address the often-high socio-political complexity that characterizes the context surrounding infrastructure projects in low-and middle-income countries, whose ultimate objective is to create and distribute value to their citizens.


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How to Cite
Ika, L., Rego, M. L., Holzmann, V., & Gil, N. (2023). Special issue: infrastructure delivery and project management in low-and middle-income economies. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 21(5), e2023–0162. https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-395120230162


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