The Melissa case: sustainability challenges for the international expansion of a Brazilian brand of plastic sandals

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Eduardo Russo
Ariane Roder Figueira


The Melissa sandals division is a subsidiary of Grendene, a Brazilian footwear manufacturer with over 40 years experience in the market. It is internationally recognized for its plastic footwear and accessories. In the last few years, the brand has been facing new challenges regarding the building of a more sustainable identity for its products and trying to implement reverse logistics initiatives in foreign markets. In this context, the case puts the reader in the role of Melinda Voguel, the executive director of Melissa Sandals, to reflect on a sustainability plan that will allow the brand a greater presence in international markets. The case was designed for undergraduate and graduate students of Business Administration, Economics, and Logistics who want to discuss topics such as brand sustainability, international marketing and branding, reverse logistics, and circular economy.


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How to Cite
Russo, E., & Figueira, A. R. (2024). The Melissa case: sustainability challenges for the international expansion of a Brazilian brand of plastic sandals. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 22(1), e2023–0109.
Case Studies & Teaching Cases


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