Social movements: does activism lead to emancipation?

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Helga Midori Iwamoto
Airton Cardoso Cançado
Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio
Flávio Ayres Marinho


Alain Touraine’s theory on social movements (SMs) characterizes them as having their own collective identity, a defined opponent, and a dispute between these two opponents. This paper considers that Touraine’s theory on SMs does not contemplate their main motto: Emancipation. It is believed that Boaventura de Sousa Santos’ ideas can contribute to identifying SMs with emancipatory potential. To make these concepts concrete, examples of SMs are presented in Brazil and worldwide and analyzed in light of the two cited theories.


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Iwamoto, H. M., Cançado, A. C., Teodósio, A. dos S. de S., & Marinho, F. A. (2024). Social movements: does activism lead to emancipation?. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 22(2), e2023–0083.


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