The solidarity economy beyond the issue of labor

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Jean-Louis Laville
Jeová Torres Silva Junior


In this essay we propose to discuss the constraints of the orthodox labor approach to the solidarity economy adopted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the classical view of the sociology of work. To begin our arguments, we show that the solidarity economy has been analyzed by traditional labor sociology, both in Brazil and France, as an illusion of which participants are victims. The ILO, although lately adopting a contrasted perspective, has imprisoned itself in a conception of decent work in the solidarity economy that maintains a common frame of reference with the conservative perspective of the sociology of work. In the second section, we present 2 practices – the cases of Conjunto Palmeiras (Brazil) and the Régies de quartier (France) – that illustrate how the solidarity economy cannot be reduced to the economic dimension of the mode of production and labor relations and that there is an inherent emancipatory political dimension. From these practical emergences, in the third section we aim to identify the theoretical frameworks that are not limited to understanding the modalities of work implementation in the solidarity economy, but that allow for a broader integration of multiple dimensions. In this sense, 3 theoretical approaches are related: the Epistemologies of the South, the substantive approach of economic action, and the concept of deliberative democracy. At the end, we have the consideration for the sociology of work and the ILO to develop and reconfigure their reference approaches on labor and the solidarity economy towards an expanded, substantive, and heterodox view.


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Laville, J.-L., & Silva Junior, J. T. (2024). The solidarity economy beyond the issue of labor. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 22(3), e2023–0029.


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