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  • Adiante
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  • Anuário de Pesquisa GVPesquisa
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  • Brazilian Mutual Fund Industry Yearbook
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  • Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia
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  • Arquivos Brasileiros Psicotécnica
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  • Boletim de Conjuntura
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  • Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia Aplicada
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  • The Brazilian Economy
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  • Bulletin of the Research Center of Administrative EBAP
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  • Brazilian Review of Econometrics
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  • Cadernos EBAPE.BR
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  • Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania
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  • Carta CEMAP
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  • Caderno de Inovação
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  • Conjuntura da construção
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  • Ei! Ensino inovativo
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  • Curriculum
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  • Forum Educacional
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  • Finanças & Desenvolvimento
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  • GVexecutivo
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  • Mosaico
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  • Getulio
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  • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management
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  • Página 22
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  • P22_ON
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  • Pontes
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  • RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas
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  • GVcasos
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  • Revista Acadêmica Observatório de Inovação do Turismo
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  • Brazilian Journal of Transport
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  • Revista Brasileira de Economia
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  • Brazilian Review of Finance
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  • Brazilian Journal of Public Administration
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  • Revista de Ciência Política
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  • Revista Conjuntura Econômica
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  • Revista Debates GVsaúde
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  • Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa
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  • Administrative Law Review
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  • Revista Discente DIREITO GV - redGV
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  • Revista de Direito Público e Ciência Política
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  • Revista do Programa de Direito da União Europeia
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  • Revista Direito GV
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  • Revista FGV Online
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  • Revista Estudos Históricos
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  • Revista GV novos negócios
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  • FGV RIC Revista de Iniciação Científica
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  • Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão
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  • Iberian-American Journal of Legislatives Studies
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  • Revista Jurídica Profissional
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  • Technological Learning and Industrial Innovation Working Paper Series
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