Costa Rica’s Oversized Role in Latin American Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare


  • Lynn M. Morgan Mount Holyoke College, Sociology and Anthropology, South Hadley, Massachusetts, United States


Costa Rica, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Organization of American States, in vitro fertilization, anti-abortion lawfare


Costa Rica’s reputation as a stable democracy and champion of inter-American human rights law makes it both beacon and bellwether for sexual and reproductive rights in the American continent. The Costa Rican government brought cases involving in vitro fertilization and same-sex marriage to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which issued historic decisions expanding reproductive and sexual rights across Latin America. In response, a transnational coalition of self-proclaimed prolife and pro-family organizations has targeted the Organization of American States and its system of inter-American human rights law, calling on the OAS to respect national sovereignty concerning life and family matters. This chapter traces Costa Rica’s key role in Latin American sexual and reproductive rights lawfare as well as the resulting backlash.


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Abortion Lawfare in Latin America