About the journal

Revista Direito GV is an academic publication from the Fundação Getulio Vargas Sao Paulo Law School (FGV DIREITO SP) in an online format, with open access (online version ISSN 2317-6172) and which adopts the rolling publicationsystem with annual periodicity.

Revista Direito GV is maintained by the Fundação Getulio Vargas Sao Paulo Law School (FGV DIREITO SP). The journal is funded with resources from this same institution, whose aim is to provide free and available access to all of its academic-scientific content.


Focus and scope

Revista Direito GV publishes articles of law or interdisciplinary approach, which result from empirical and theoretical research in dialogue with the fields of research in law and development, law and society, and law and economics. Its mission is to disseminate research results that adopt a perspective of reflection on law “in context” and a concept of development that goes beyond the idea of economic growth, incorporating the promotion of fundamental freedoms and rights, the consolidation of democracy, the overcoming of the colonial past and inequalities, and the fight against various forms of oppression, such as race, gender and sexual orientation. The articles can address law both from the description, observation, analysis, diagnosis, criticism and proposal of solutions for the functioning of legal institutions and through doctrinal reflections open to the social context and attentive to the sociopolitical and economic disputes that occur through the grammar of law.

Articles must be unpublished (national or internationally) and original. By unpublished we understand as articles not published in any other printed or digital medium in Portuguese or in a foreign language. By originals, we understand the texts that innovate within the field of research in which they are inserted. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, the journal may publish non-unpublished articles of exceptional academic value.

Within its thematic scope, the journal also publishes original reviews of books published in the last two years and translations of texts by foreign authors whose diffusion is fundamental for the development of Brazilian academic research.

Articles and reviews can be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish. In order to facilitate the international dissemination of the papers, the submission of articles in English is encouraged, regardless of the nationality of the authors. The translations will be published only in Portuguese.

Manuscripts submitted may not be under evaluation in another journal.


Section policies



The journal accepts articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish in continuous flow. They must be unpublished – that is, they cannot be under evaluation or have been published in other academic journals, books or collections – and original. They must have a maximum of 10,000 words (including pre-textual elements, notes, tables, graphs, bibliographical references, etc.). Manuscripts published in proceedings of scientific events or chapters of dissertations and theses, provided they are substantially altered and properly adapted to the article format, are considered novel (unpublished). In line with good open science communication practices, the journal accepts manuscripts deposited on reliable preprint servers, such as SciELO Preprints. In such cases, the Cover Letter must contain the virtual location of the version of the article already published (access link) and the DOI, if applicable. In addition, in such cases, the evaluation system is changed –from double-blind to single-blind by peers–, in which the reviewers will know the authorship of the article, but the authors will not know the identity of the reviewers. In these cases, we emphasize the possibility of reviewers manifesting a conflict of interest in the evaluation of the article.

Exceptionally, due to its relevance, the journal may publish guest articles. The invitations will be formulated exclusively by the Editorial Board of the journal, and the guest articles will be evaluated by it.


Critical comments

The journal receives critical comments (replies) to texts published in the journal itself in the last five years, in order to advance knowledge in a certain field of knowledge, and therefore the text must be primed by constructive criticism, politeness and courtesy. Ad hoc reviewers who have issued opinions initially anonymously, but of exceptional quality, may be invited by the Editorial Board of the journal to publish these texts as a critical comment, provided that with the consent of the corresponding author and co-authors (if applicable) of the original text evaluated. Authors of articles subject to a critical comment published in the journal will have the right to a single rejoinder. The evaluation of these critical comments will follow the normal procedure of an article. Critical comments (replies), opinions on approved articles and rejoinders should be up to 6,000 words (already including titles, abstracts, bibliographical references, tables and notes).



The journal receives translations of texts from foreign authors that are within its editorial scope and whose diffusion is fundamental for the development of Brazilian academic research. The submitted translations are evaluated by the Editorial Board, to verify the thematic pertinence and scientific relevance. It is desirable to send the original text and, if any, information on the status of property rights. Translations have no extension limitation.



The journal receives unpublished reviews (in Portuguese, English or Spanish) of books published in the last two years, from the year of submission of the review. They must have a maximum of 2,000 words (already including bibliographical references, tables and notes). The reviews submitted will be evaluated by the Editorial Board, which will analyze the relevance of the publication, considering: (i) the thematic adequacy of the work reviewed to the scope of the journal; (ii) the relevance of the work itself in the field of knowledge in which it is inserted; and (iii) the quality and critical approach of the review. Merely descriptive reviews will not be accepted. Reviews may not be under evaluation by another journal.


Thematic dossiers

The journal may publish thematic dossiers or special issues with specific deadlines. They are organized by the Editorial Board and guest editors. Submissions can be opened or closed, depending on the nature of each project.


Evaluation process

The articles submitted to Revista Direito GV undergo two evaluation filters.


1 – Desk review

All articles received undergo a desk review carried out by the Editorial Board to verify compliance with the mandatory formal submission requirements provided in the section “Guidelines for authors”, including their uniqueness, the adequacy of the text to the thematic and methodological scope of the journal and its originality, indicating its potential for publication. At this early stage, similarity verification is also performed using antiplagiarism software. Articles that meet these requirements will proceed to the peer review phase.


2 – Blind peer review

The articles that go through the first filter –desk review– are sent to the second filter: blind peer review, carried out by at least two ad hoc evaluators. Reviewers can suggest five types of decisions (accept; accept as long as minor corrections are made –minor revisions–; accept as long as substantive corrections are made –major revisions–; reject and resubmit; and reject). To be eligible for publication, the article may not have received any “reject and resubmit” or “reject” evaluation.

Peer reviews should be guided exclusively by the objective of advancing knowledge within the field to which the manuscript belongs. Any suspicion of conflict of interest that may impair the objectivity and impartiality of the evaluation must be communicated to the editorial team.

Access the evaluation form in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

If the article is deposited on a preprints server or a partially public server, the peer evaluation system changes from double-blind to single-blind, where the reviewers will know the authorship of the article, but the authors will not know the identity of the reviewers.


3 – Other stages of evaluation

Once the opinions have been received, they are forwarded to the corresponding author of the article for his/her acknowledgment and, if applicable, incorporate the suggested modifications. In the latter case, the modified text should be sent to the journal within the stipulated period along with a “reply letter” detailing the modifications made to the editor and the reviewers.

The corresponding author must follow the journal’s formatting and submission rules. Modifications made to the text should be made using the “Track Changes” tool in the Microsoft Word text editor.

The modified text will be evaluated again by the editor according to the changes made. The editor may refer it to the same evaluators of the previous stage or to others, if necessary, before the final decision of approval or rejection.

The final decision of approval or rejection depends, fundamentally, on three factors: (i) the article not having received any “rejection” or “rejection and resubmission” evaluation throughout the process, (ii) the individual quality of the text after the modifications made, if any, and (iii) the relative quality of the text in light of the set of articles in stock for publication at the time of the decision.

Once approved, the articles will be sent to the processes of copyediting, layout development and formal and orthographic review. They will be sent to the authors in case of doubts and for final validation before publication. In this validation, no modifications or will be allowed, except in exceptional cases. The editor may suggest changes and cuts in the texts to better adapt them to the standards of the journal.

The approved articles follow an order of publication that will respect, whenever possible, antiquity in submission and approval, as well as formal criteria applicable to the Qualis/Capes A1 journals –or criteria that may replace them– and the criteria suggested by SciELO.

Accepted and published articles that remain available on preprint servers should indicate the link of the version published in Revista Direito GV.

Reviews and translations will be evaluated and selected by the Editorial Board of the journal.

New submissions of articles that have received an editorial decision of “rejection” will not be accepted.


Commitment of authors and evaluators

The peer review system allows the proper functioning of Brazilian scientific and academic journals and the advancement of qualified science and knowledge. This system presupposes the availability of all to contribute free of charge, either as author or evaluator, to its functioning. Thus, authors who submit articles to Revista Direito GV commit to issue opinions in the future. In addition, the Editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles by authors who repeatedly and unjustifiably declined the issue of opinions when invited.


Evaluation time and rejection rate of manuscripts

In the first editorial of each year, the journal publishes quantitative and qualitative data for the previous year, including the average evaluation time and the rejection rate of manuscripts.


Data for the year 2022

  • Total articles submitted: 293
  • Total articles sent to evaluators: 73
  • Total articles published: 36


  • Average time between submission and the desk review result: 4 months
  • Average time between submission and final decision (‘accept’, ‘reject’ or ‘reject and resubmit’): 14 months
  • Average time between submission and publication of the article: 19 months


Data for the year 2023

  • Total articles submitted: 218
  • Total articles sent to evaluators: 86
  • Total articles published: 41


  • Average time between submission and the desk review result: 7 months
  • Average time between submission and final decision (‘accept’, ‘reject or ‘reject and resubmit’): 13 months
  • Average time between submission and publication of the article: 23 months



Revista Direito GV adopts the rolling publication system, with annual periodicity.

The rolling publication system aims to increase speed in the communication process, availability, reading and citation of articles. As soon as they are approved, the articles pass through the layout process and are published, with no need to wait for the annual volume to close.


Free access policy

Revista Direito GV offers free and open access to all its contents. The act of submission, under the responsibility of the corresponding author, implies in the agreement of all the co-authors, if any, with the publication of the manuscript in open access, if approved.

The journal adopts the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY), except where it is otherwise expressed, allowing unrestricted copies and reproductions, either in whole or in part, as long as the original work is properly cited.



Authors of articles published by Revista Direito GV retain the copyright of their works. The journal adopt the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY), except where it is otherwise expressed, allowing unrestricted copies and reproductions either in whole or in part, as long as the original work is properly cited. The corresponding author is responsible for the consent of the other co-authors, if applicable, to the terms adopted by Revista Direito GV.

In the case of translations, the property rights depend on an agreement between the Revista Direito GV and the original holder of the rights.



Revista Direito GV uses LOCKSS to create an archive system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration. Learn more on https://www.lockss.org/.


Ethics in research and good scientific practices

Revista Direito GV preserves the commitment of maintaining the utmost level of integrity in the content published, with the aim of guiding its procedures for the management and evaluation of articles by the Código de Boas Práticas Científicas, provided by the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP, 2014), by the Guia de Boas Práticas para o Fortalecimento da Ética na Publicação Científica de SciELO (SciELO, 2018a), by the basic guidelines formulated by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, 2016), by the Core Practices (COPE, 2017a) and the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE/DOAJ/OASPA/WAME, 2018).

We request special attention to the parameters indicated in the document Responsible Research Publication: International Standards for Authors (COPE, 2011). Articles involving research with humans or animals must comply with the ethical standards required by the Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa/Conselho Nacional de Saúde/Ministério da Saúde (CONEP/CNS/MS). Research involving human beings must comply with the norms of Resolution No. 466/2012 and Resolution No. 510/2016 of the Conselho Nacional de Saúde (National Health Council, CNS) – or any other norm that replaces them – or of an equivalent body in the country of origin of the research.

Regarding citations, in addition to the familiarity with the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) rules adopted by the journal, we also suggest reading the document Guia de Citação de Dados de Pesquisa (SCIELO, 2018b).

If there is a need for the retraction of an article or publication of correction or errata, Revista Direito GV will follow the recommendations and guidelines of SciELO and COPE, especially the Guia de Boas Práticas para o Fortalecimento da Ética na Publicação Científica (SCIELO, 2018a), the Guia para o Registro e Publicação de Errata (SCIELO, 2020), theGuia para o Registro e Publicação de Retratação (SCIELO, 2019) and the COPE Retraction Guidelines (COPE, 2019).

Cases of moderate or mild misconduct may be subject to correction or errata. In cases of serious misconduct, Revista Direito GV may retract the article, which consists of a public instrument to register problems in a published article (Partial Retraction) or communicate its cancellation (Total Retraction).

The journal uses similarity detection software to track submissions. If the similarity found indicates plagiarism, the guidelines on plagiarism will be followed. Ad hoc reviewers should follow the COPE guidelines for reviewers, especially the information contained in the Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers (COPE, 2017b).



BRAZIL. Ministry of Health. National Health Council. Resolução n. 510, de 7 de abril de 2016. Normas aplicáveis a pesquisas em Ciências Humanas e Sociais envolvendo seres humanos. Brasília, 2016. Available on:https://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/saudelegis/cns/2016/res0510_07_04_2016.html. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

BRAZIL. Ministry of Health. National Health Council. Resolução n. 466, de 12 de dezembro de 2012. Diretrizes e Normas Regulamentadoras de Pesquisas envolvendo Seres Humanos. Brasília, 2012. Available on: https://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/saudelegis/cns/2013/res0466_12_12_2012.html. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION ETHICS (COPE). Core Practices. [S.l.: COPE], 2017a. Available on:https://publicationethics.org/core-practices. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION ETHICS (COPE). COPE Retraction Guidelines – English. S.l.: COPE, 2019. Available on: https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.4. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION ETHICS (COPE). COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers – English. S.l.: COPE, 2017b. Available on: https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.9. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

COPE/DOAJ/OASPA/WAME. Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. S.l.: COPE/DOAJ/OASPA/WAME, 2018. Available on: https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH SUPPORT OF THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO (FAPESP). Código de Boas Práticas Científicas. São Paulo: FAPESP, 2014. Available on: https://fapesp.br/boaspraticas/2014/FAPESP-Codigo_de_Boas_Praticas_Cientificas.pdf. Accessed on: May 5th, 2021.

NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT (CNPQ). Diretrizes. [Brasília: CNPQ], 2016. Available on: https://www.gov.br/cnpq/pt-br/composicao/comissao-de-integridade/diretrizes. Accessed on: March 17th. 2022.

SCIELO. Guia para o registro e publicação de errata [online]. SciELO, 2020. Available on: https://wp.scielo.org/wp-content/uploads/guia_errata.pdf. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

SCIELO. Guia para o registro e publicação de retratação [online]. SciELO, 2019. Available on: https://wp.scielo.org/wp-content/uploads/guia_retratacao.pdf. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

SCIELO. Guia de boas práticas para o fortalecimento da ética na publicação científica [online]. SciELO, Versão setembro 2018a. Available on: https://wp.scielo.org/wp-content/uploads/Guia-de-Boas-Praticas-para-o-Fortalecimento-da-Etica-na-Publicacao-Cientifica.pdf. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.

SCIELO. Guia de citação de dados de pesquisa [online]. SciELO, 2018b. Available on: https://wp.scielo.org/wp-content/uploads/guia-de-citacao-de-dados_pt.pdf. Accessed on: March 17th, 2022.



Revista Direito GV receives articles, reviews and translations in continuous flow.

No submission, evaluation or publication fees are charged.

All submissions must be made through the ScholarOne Manuscripts online system, available on: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rdgv-scielo.

Submissions by email or any other means will not be accepted.

If you have any questions about online submission, please contact us by email on revistadireitogv@fgv.br.


Guidelines for authors (Updated in March, 2024)

All submissions must be made through the ScholarOne Manuscripts online system, available on: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rdgv-scielo. The corresponding author will be responsible for the veracity of all the information provided, including in relation to the co-authors, if any. All submissions must contain, at least (i) the text of the manuscript (article, critical comment, review or translation), (ii) the cover letter; and (iii) the Open Science Compliance Form. The specific information for each type of document is as follows.



Revista Direito GV accepts articles of unique authorship or co-authorship. In the case of unique authorship, the author must hold at least a master’s degree. Co-authored articles must have a maximum of three co-authors, in which at least one co-author must have a PhD. In such cases, a paragraph should be added to the cover letter, precisely describing the contribution of each co-author to the writing of the final text submitted. Exceptionally, and at the discretion of the editorial staff, articles with more than three co-authors will be accepted when they result from highly complex empirical research. The motivation for the inclusion of more co-authors should be put in the cover letter, explaining the underlying concrete situation and describing the contribution of each author in detail. 

For configuration of authorship, it is necessary that all authors who appear in the submission have concomitantly:

1) made substantial contributions to the conception or structure of the manuscript; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data; or the creation of new software used in the research resulting from the manuscript;

2) written all or a substantial part of the manuscript; or critically reviewed the manuscript for important intellectual content, offering improvements;

3) approved the version to be published; and

4) agreed to be responsible for all aspects of the final version of the submitted text, ensuring that issues related to the accuracy, ethics or integrity of any part of the study are adequately investigated and resolved.

Contributions prior to the final version, including the supervision and guidance for undergraduate, masters and PhD theses, do not automatically constitute co-authorship and should be included in the acknowledgments section.

Authors and co-authors can only submit one article at a time, either as a corresponding author or as a co-author.


Submission of articles – including guest and thematic dossier articles

Phase 1 – Preparation of the original documents required for submission

Before starting the submission, the corresponding author must prepare three indispensable documents for the desk review phase: (i) article; (ii) cover letter; and (iii) the Open Science Compliance Form. You can optionally prepare (iv) additional documents for insertion in the ScholarOne system.


(i) Article

Articles must have a maximum of 10,000 words (including pre-textual and post-textual elements, notes, tables, graphs, bibliographical references, etc.


1) Document formatting, citations, references and extension:

  • The formatting of the document must comply with the specifications below:
    • Text editor: Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx extension)
    • Paper: A4 format
    • Margins: left, right, top and bottom of 2.5 cm
    • Font: Times New Roman, main text size 12 and footnotes size 10
    • Paging: lower right corner
    • Paragraph: justified alignment; line spacing: 1.5
      • The article should be non-identifiable, including in the document properties.
    • The text of the article should be organized and divided as follows:
      • Sections: unnumbered introduction, development (which must be divided and numbered sequentially with Indo-Arabic numerals – 1, 2, 3, etc.), unnumbered conclusion, and references.
    • Citations and references: use the author-date method for citations (according to ABNT NBR-10520/2023 or any standard that comes to replace it) and bibliographical references (according to ABNT NBR-6023/2018 or the standard that comes to replace it):
      • Citations: the author-date method should be used (according to ABNT NBR-10520/2023 or any standard that comes to replace it), that is, the citations should come in the body of the text with the indication of the surname, year and publication page.
        • Example of direct citation: “A Lei Maria da Penha (LMP) é o principal instrumento legal para a proteção das mulheres em situação de violência doméstica e familiar” (Campos, 2015, p. 393).
        • Example of paraphrase: “Dessa forma, a diversidade das situações de vida das mulheres, a heterogeneidade das perspectivas das redes (Santos, 2015) e a diversidade geográfica do Brasil não permitem uma conclusão generalizadora”.

Note: Articles from foreign authors who use other citation and referencing methods will be accepted; however, if approved, these articles will be standardized according to ABNT in the editing stages, and their authors should commit to the review of their article after this standardization.

Long citations (of 4 lines or more) should be presented in a highlighted paragraph with indentation (of 2 cm) and lower font size (10).


  • List of bibliographical references: should be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text (according to ABNT NBR-6023/2018 or any standard that comes to replace it).
    • Example 1 (book): RIBEIRO, Djamila. O que é lugar de fala? Belo Horizonte: Letramento/Justificando, 2017.
    • Example 2 (article, with page number): MACHADO, Marta Rodriguez de Assis; SANTOS, Natália Neris da Silva; FERREIRA, Carolina Cutrupi. Legislação antirracista punitiva no Brasil: uma aproximação à aplicação do direito pelos Tribunais de Justiça brasileiros. Revista de Estudos Empíricos em Direito, São Paulo, v. 2, n. 1, p. 60-92, 2015.
    • Example 3 (article, with e-location and doi): GOMES, Juliana Cesario Alvim. Direitos sexuais e reprodutivos ou direitos sexuais e direitos reprodutivos? Dilemas e contradições nos marcos normativos nacionais e internacionais. Revista Direito GV, São Paulo, v. 17, n. 3, e2136, set./dez. 2021. https://doi.org/ 10.1590/2317-6172202136
    • Example 4 (internet website): ZALTHA, Edward (org.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Winter 2016 Edition. Available on: https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2016/entries/discrimination/. Accessed on: 4 Apr., 2022.
  • Footnotes: should be explanatory and should not be used for the inclusion of bibliographic references. All references cited throughout the article must be included at the end, at the “References” section.
  • Explanatory notes should be reduced to the minimum required and presented in the footer of the pages.
  • Diagrams, graphs, figures, charts and tables: must have the title and source. The original files must be sent as attachments to the submission in the “original files” field.
  • Photographs, logos or other images: in case of the need to use photographs, logos or other images, the following will be necessary: (1) they have been taken/prepared by the author(s) of the article, (2) or the authors must have a written permission from the copyright holder(s) of the image for publication in the article; or (3) the photographs, logos or other images are available for reproduction with non-commercial use (for example, protected under the Creative Commons 4.0 license), provided that their respective source is properly cited.
  • Extension: the document may not exceed 10,000 words including pre- and post-textual elements, such as notes, charts, tables and bibliographic references.


2) Mandatory content of the document

The first page of the article must contain:

    1. Title and subtitle, if any, in Portuguese, English and Spanish with a maximum of twenty-five (25) words each.
    2. Abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish with a maximum of two hundred (200) words each. The abstract should explain the object (field of study) of the article, the research question, the objectives, the method, the results and the conclusion.
    3. Five (5) keywords –in Portuguese, English and Spanish– for each language.
    4. No identification: to allow anonymous peer review, the article must be completely unidentified, including in the properties of the document. Any information that may lead to the author’s recognition – such as his/her name or the name of the institution of origin, reference to previous research, study and research groups or previous articles and books – should come only in the cover letter. The non-characterization of authorship is the sole responsibility of the corresponding author and may lead to the rejection of the submission.


(ii) Cover Letter

  • Title and subtitle, if any (maximum 25 words).
  • Identification of all the author(s) with the completion of all the following items: (i) full name without abbreviations, (ii) title (iii), institution to which he/she is connected, (iv) link to the Lattes curriculum, (v) ORCID, (vi) mailing address, (vii) telephone and (viii) e-mail.
  • Information on funding or benefits received: the corresponding author is requested to report any funding or benefits received from public or private sources. If the work is the result of research funded by official funding agencies, it is necessary to specify the type and number of the corresponding bid/process, which must be included only in the cover letter and not in the body of the manuscript. If the text is accepted for publication, this information will be re-included as a note at the end of the article.
  • Information on possible conflicts of interest.
  • Acknowledgments: if the text is accepted for publication, acknowledgments will be re-included as a note at the end of the article.
  • Authorship contribution statement: for co-authored articles, we request authors to include in the cover letter a section outlining each co-author’s contribution to the final submitted text, following the CREdit This taxonomy comprises 14 terms to describe the specific contribution of each co-author. One author can have multiple terms, and these terms aren’t exclusive; they can be repeated among authors based on the article’s writing characteristics. Authors should specify their roles in English, which will be included in the final version of the article and can be found at: http://credit.niso.org/.
  • Co-authored articles should ideally have a maximum of three co-authors. However, articles with more than three co-authors may be considered, subject to the editorial team’s discretion, especially for results from highly complex empirical research. The reason for requiring extra co-authors should be explained in the cover letter, providing a detailed account of the specific situation and each author’s contribution.


(iii) Open Science Compliance Form

This form allows authors to communicate the manuscript’s adherence to Open Science practices. Authors must inform: (a) whether the manuscript is a preprint and, if affirmative, provide its location; (b) whether data, program codes, and other materials underlying the manuscript text are properly cited and referenced; and (c) their willingness to consider open options in the peer review process.

The corresponding author must provide information on the alignment of the research and the compliance of the manuscript with Open Science practices by completing and attaching the Open Science Compliance Form as a supplementary file to the manuscript. The form will be shared with publishers and ad hoc reviewers.


Articles that do not meet all of the three formal requirements listed above will be rejected immediately during the review in the desk review phase).


(iv) Additional files

When necessary, other attachments should be included in the submission, such as databases, documents containing tables, graphs and other figures in their original version, interview forms, approval of the research in the institution’s research ethics board, etc.

In line with Open Science practices, we ask that manuscripts using databases be deposited in open access data repositories, such as SciELO Data, explaining this information in the cover letter. Database is considered as any material that is relevant to the replication of the research. For example:

  • elements of quantitative research, such as: code files (scripts, algorithms, etc.) and their dictionaries, variable details, survey questionnaire, data used for the elaboration/replication of tables and graphs contained in the survey, statistical tools, etc. In these cases, it is suggested that data be shared in an accessible format with at least one of the main statistical tools, such as R, Python, SPSS, Stata and Excel.
  • elements of qualitative research, such as: interview script, questionnaires (surveys), digitization of physical documents, access to digital documents, sources of documents, etc.

The data must be shared in data repositories at the time of submission (we recommend SciELO Data: https://data.scielo.org).


Phase 2 – Submission on the ScholarOne System

Once the required documents previously described are prepared, the submission of the manuscript must be made through ScholarOne (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rdgv-scielo), the journal’s online system. Submissions by email or any other means will not be accepted.

The submission will be carried out in six stages. Follow the system guidelines for completing each step. Fill in all available fields. Below are some points that deserve special care:

  • The cover letter should be attached as a document entitled “cover letter” in step 5 of the submission process in the ScholarOne system.
  • All authors must have ORCID. At the time of submission, the corresponding author will include his/her ORCID in the specific field on the ScholarOne. The ORCIDs of all the co-authors should be included in the cover letter.
  • In step 4 (Authors & Institutions), the corresponding author should indicate the contributions of each co-author in ScholarOne according to the CrediT taxonomic system.[1] For co-authored articles, the co-author who makes the submission will act as the corresponding author, that is, he/she will be responsible, for all purposes, beforeRevista Direito GV and third parties, for the information provided at the time of submission and in all subsequent steps until the publication of the final text, acting as a point of contact with the editorial team. It is his/her duty to keep the other co-authors informed about the progress of the evaluation.

[1] The CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) taxonomy is a standard of attribution of fourteen different roles that may exist in the composition of authorship of an academic text and standardized distinction between authorship and contributions recognized via acknowledgments. For general information about CRediT, access: https://credit.niso.org/. The CRediT taxonomy implies that, for any area of knowledge, any of those roles automatically constitute authorship. Variations exist. It is worth noting that Revista Direito GV assigns specific interpretation to what constitutes an author or co-author and which contributions are not authorial and should be mentioned in the acknowledgments.


Submission of critical comments

Critical comments and rejoinders must contain a maximum of 6,000 words, including pre-textual and textual elements. They should contain the title and subtitle, if any, in Portuguese, in English and Spanish, with a maximum of twenty-five (25) words each. They should also include an abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish with a maximum of two hundred (200) words each, and 5 keywords for each language – in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The steps of preparation of the submission, the ScholarOne submission steps, the rules for formatting the document, citation and references, as well as the completion of the cover letter, are the same applicable to the articles.


Submission of reviews

Reviews must have a maximum of 2,000 words, including notes and bibliographical references. They must present a title in Portuguese, English and Spanish of a maximum of 25 words and 5 keywords in each of the three languages. At the beginning of the text, the review should also present the complete reference of the work reviewed in the ABNT standard. This information must also be included in the cover letter.

For the submission of reviews on the ScholarOne Manuscripts system, it is necessary to fill in the “Abstract” field in step 1, and this element is dispensed in the body of the submitted manuscript.

The steps of preparation of the submission, the ScholarOne submission steps, the rules for formatting the document, citation and references, as well as the completion of the cover letter, are the same applicable to the articles.


Submission of translations

Translations are not limited in length and, as a general rule, the stylistic and citation elements of the original text may be maintained. If the translation project is approved, the editorial production team of the journal may suggest adaptations. Extensive texts can be published at the discretion of the editor. 

The cover letter must provide complete information on the original text, including the status of the translation or republication property rights. Please attach the original text for evaluation. If not possible, please indicate the link where it can be found.

The letter should also identify all translators with complete data and available information about the author of the original text (full name without abbreviations, title, institution to which he/she is or has been linked and e-mail, if any).

Include in the cover letter or as an additional document any other information useful to the process of acquiring translation rights, including information on contacts with the original copyright holder, copies of e-mail exchanges, etc.

The steps of preparation of the submission, the ScholarOne submission steps, and other rules of completion of the cover letter are the same applicable to the articles.



In adherence to open science communication best practices, the journal welcomes and supports the submission of manuscripts to reputable preprint servers, such as SciELO Preprints. In these instances, the Open Science Compliance Form should include the virtual location of the already published article version (i.e. access link) and the DOI, if applicable. Furthermore, under such circumstances, the peer-review process shifts from double-blind to single-blind, wherein reviewers are aware of the authors’ identities, while the authors remain unaware of the reviewers’ identities (with the provision for reviewers to disclose any conflicts of interest).

A preprint is defined as a manuscript ready for submission to a journal and deposited in preprint servers, either before or concurrently with journal submission, to expedite research communication. The use of preprints is an option and decision of the authors, encouraged by this journal.


Informed peer review – Options for openness in the peer review process

The journal adopts three openness options, aligning with SciELO guidelines:

1) The first entails disclosing the names of editors responsible for the evaluation in the final article. This information is consistently included in all publications of Revista Direito GV.

2) The second option allows reviewers the choice to engage in direct dialogue with the corresponding author, with or without revealing their identities. Reviewers and authors may also mutually agree to disclose their identities during the evaluation process.

3) The third option involves publishing the reviews of approved articles, with the optional identification of the reviewers. Reviews are considered a new type of literature in the SciELO methodology and receive treatment similar to research articles.


Questions and information about submission

If you have any questions about the online submission, send an e-mail to the editorial team: revistadireitogv@fgv.br.



Revista Direito GV is indexed in the following databases, directories and indexes (in alphabetical order):



Biblioteca do Senado Federal 

BDJur – Superior Tribunal de Justiça


EZB: Electronic Journals Library

HeinOnline Law Journal Library

MIAR: Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals

Portal de Periódicos Capes

ProQuest Information and Learning







DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals

Latindex: Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, El Caribe, España y Portugal


Red de Revistas Sui Iuris

Redib: Red iberoamericana de innovación y conocimiento científico


Ulrich’s Periodical Directory




ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index

IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences



Revista Direito GV

E-mail: revistadireitogv@fgv.br

Mailing address: Rua Dr. Plínio Barreto, 365, ZIP CODE 01330-000, São Paulo, SP – Brazil