Responsible for managing the editorial process and maintaining the journal’s Editorial Policy. She/he appoints the members of the Editorial Board. Issues opinion (desk review), evaluates articles under assessment, and issues the final editorial register. Proposes the subject of thematic issues and calls the co-editors for organizing proposals.
Ad Hoc Reviewers
Ad hoc reviewers are responsible for analyzing and issuing opinions on the articles submitted to the journal. Their activities should comply with the guidelines of the peer review evaluation process.

Editorial Assistant
Monitors and operates stages of the editorial process, along with the Editor-in-chief, reviewers, and authors, ensuring compliance with deadlines and the application of continued improvement to the journal. Promotes the journal within the academic and professional and congresses in the area.

Editorial Assist
Works by preparing the articles submitted to desk review, for analysis by the Editor-in-chief, updating the database of the journal and other advisory services for supporting the Editor-in-chief and the Editorial Assistant in the stages of the editorial process. Promotes the journal within the academic and professional and congresses in the area.

Distribution and price

The Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (RGPLP) has open and free access to submission, read and download of the papers.