Objectives and financial sources of non-profit cultural organizations

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Samara Regina Bernardino Hoffmann
Fabiula Meneguete Vides da Silva
Eloise Helena Livramento Dellagnelo


In order to understand changes in the context of cultural organizations, this work aims to study the objectives of two non-profit theatrical groups from Florianópolis/SC and the required criteria imposed to them by the financial sources. Four essential categories of analysis guided this research: theatrical group, objectives, financial sources and criteria for performance evaluation. Therefore, these categories orientated semi-structured interviews made with the people responsible for the organizations, as well as local observation made by the researcher on the meetings, appointments, sketches and during the plays. This qualitative and longitudinal-perspective research generated reflections about implications on the objectives of the groups. The Erro Grupo showed itself very far from its initial objectives due to its orientation to get financial sources for its projects.


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How to Cite
Hoffmann, S. R. B., Silva, F. M. V. da, & Dellagnelo, E. H. L. (2009). Objectives and financial sources of non-profit cultural organizations. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 7(2), 183 a 198. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/cadernosebape/article/view/5114