Learning processes, competences learned, operation, sharing and storing knowledge in research groups

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Catarina Cecilia Odelius
Gardênia da Silva Abbad
Pedro Carlos Resende Junior
Tamísia Cristófane Novaes dos Santos
Caroline Rodrigues Viana
Tatiana Leão Freitas
André de Castro Sena


The purpose of this article is to describe the operation, the processes of learning, storing and sharing information in research groups. Therefore, it is guided by cognitive and constructivist theoretical approaches. Developed in a public institution of higher education, this study draws on data collection obtained through documentary analysis and structured interviews with leaders of 10 groups. The interviews were recorded in field diaries and recorded on audio. . The categories obtained from the data collected used as guidelines not only content analysis, but also the presentation of results. The research groups were found to differ on the object and methods of research, the size, time of existence, available resources, techniques and equipment, which influences the development of specific competences of each area. There are similarities in the learning processes, contents and generic competences learned by members (among them, graduate and post-graduate students). These intellectual competences, typical of knowledge production, include: project design, collection and record and data analysis. The results also indicate that, when asked about what they learned in these groups, nine leaders were concerned mainly with the skills related to managing people, such as accept individual differences, velocity of work production, schooling, work experience, values, beliefs and culture. Learning occurs in groups informally, through conversations between participants, and formally, through guided reading, participation in scientific meetings and for practical research under the supervision of the leader.


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How to Cite
Odelius, C. C., Abbad, G. da S., Junior, P. C. R., Santos, T. C. N. dos, Viana, C. R., Freitas, T. L., & Sena, A. de C. (2011). Learning processes, competences learned, operation, sharing and storing knowledge in research groups. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 9(1), 198 a 219. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/cadernosebape/article/view/5198