Bloch, Gramsci and Paulo Freire: fundamental references for the acts of denouncing and announcing

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Maria Ceci Araujo Misoczky
Joysi Moraes
Rafael Kruter Flores


The appropriation and relations of Ernst Bloch, Antonio Gramsci and Paulo Freire’s texts is an important part of the reflections shared in our collective work, which has as study subject organization and the praxis of liberation. In this article we present our situated readings of these authors, followed by an exercise of building relations among them. Reality as a historical process and the liberation of human beings from oppressive conditions (material and intellectual) are present in the writings of these three authors. For Freire, the liberation of the oppressed is also the liberation of the oppressor; for Gramsci, the subalterns should become hegemonic by the formulation of a new intellectual and moral direction which should be committed to the higher values of human kind: its existence; for Bloch, liberation is immanent to the human existence. Therefore, liberation is conceived by these authors as a process, the same stands for hegemony, which is never complete, fixed or definitive, or to reality, which is becoming all the time. Bloch, Gramsci and Freire authorize positions which connect the system critique with the present and concrete utopia, in our learning in the interaction with social movements and struggles.


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How to Cite
Misoczky, M. C. A., Moraes, J., & Flores, R. K. (2009). Bloch, Gramsci and Paulo Freire: fundamental references for the acts of denouncing and announcing. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 7(3), 447 a 471. Retrieved from