Living-working and the axiomatic of capitalism: a study based on media outlets in the architecture, decoration, and design segments

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Ana Carolina dos Santos Bortolini
Carmem Ligia Iochins Grisci
Ana Elísia da Costa


New ways of manufacturing and working transcend the traditional limits of space and time, (re)designing everyday life. This article explains how the axiomatic of capitalism, within the current labor configuration and under the notion of immaterial labor, enters the home environment – a space quintessentially related to privacy and intimacy. In order to identify, present and analyze symbolic forms related to the operation of the axiomatic of capitalism with regard to the home environment, this longitudinal exploratory study considers media outlets – used for the modulation of methods of consumption and production of material life – as one of the elements that disseminates the axiomatic of capitalism. In addition to collecting information, symbolical forms were taken from 120 issues (2006-2016) of Casa Cláudia, a publication in the architecture, decoration and design segments. The analysis, based on the Methodology of Interpretation indicated: (i) the (com)position and behavior of the topic in the magazine, and (ii) the (re)functionalization, profitability, and naturalization of the home environment for labor purposes. Both indicate the living-working pair as an axiom of the axiomatic of capitalism. Through this media outlet - with a stimulated, disseminated and dissimulated apprehension - the axiomatic of capitalism deems the living-working pair as an extension of capital/labor without constraints, even in the smallest and most unusual spaces of intimate life.


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How to Cite
Bortolini, A. C. dos S., Grisci, C. L. I., & Costa, A. E. da. (2020). Living-working and the axiomatic of capitalism: a study based on media outlets in the architecture, decoration, and design segments. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 18(1), 142–157.