Entrepreneurship as a neoliberal ideology

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Luana Jéssica Oliveira Carmo
Lilian Bambirra de Assis
Admardo Bonifácio Gomes Júnior
Marcella Barbosa Miranda Teixeira


This critical essay has the general objective of understanding the neoliberal aspect of entrepreneurship’s discourses and its function of camouflaging the reality of the relations between work and capital. This research analyzes the historical development of the concept and its field of study based on the assumption that these narratives are depositories of a neoliberal ideology. The research discusses the neoliberal nature of entrepreneurship and characterizes the theoretical apparatus that supports and disseminates entrepreneurship. Finally, the results critically point out that entrepreneurship’s discourse exempts the state from the responsibility of guaranteeing minimum living conditions for workers, meaning they are responsible for their success or failure, regardless of the importance of social context variables.


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How to Cite
Carmo, L. J. O., Assis, L. B. de, Gomes Júnior, A. B., & Teixeira, M. B. M. (2021). Entrepreneurship as a neoliberal ideology. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 19(1), 18–31. https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-395120200043

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