Political exile in the post-2019 Brazilian context: history of exile and work-existence/resistance of a Brazilian intellectual

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Fernanda Tarabal Lopes
Alessandra de Sá Mello da Costa


Recent years have witnessed the rise of far right-wing leaders in various parts of the world. Stanley (2019) recognizes the particularities of the different nations where this phenomenon is observed but advocates for generalizing it. The author uses the label “fascism” to refer to a variety of ultranationalism. When analyzing the current Brazilian situation, Souza (2019) also refers to fascism, exploring its irrational origins and particularities in Brazil, noticing the emergence of a neo-fascism. Against this backdrop, there are cases of people leaving their countries due to the increasing violence experienced. This study explores this particular situation, presenting the history of Tiburi’s exile, a philosopher, writer, university professor, and Brazilian politician. Concerning the theoretical discussion of the case, the study recalls, among other contributions, the debate about the centrality of work and its psychological function and how it presents itself as a form of existence and resistance for political exile. The article also discusses solidarity and the ‘public space of word’, a possibility that ceases in the country of origin and is sought in expatriation, primarily through work as a mode of existence and resistance. This study uses life history research, which is a rich possibility of apprehending the social experience and the subject in their practices. It is a method particularly fruitful in the study of phenomena such as migration. It is also essential through this research to register and reflect on work in the context of the recent Brazilian political exile.


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How to Cite
Lopes, F. T., & Costa, A. de S. M. da. (2021). Political exile in the post-2019 Brazilian context: history of exile and work-existence/resistance of a Brazilian intellectual. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 19(2), 307–324. https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-395120200038

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