Colonialism within Latin America? A south-south postcolonial perspective in human relations of a Brazilian company in Bolivia

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Ana Celano
Fernanda Filgueiras Sauerbronn
Ana Beatriz Moraes


The case addresses the situation experienced by José, an executive, HR manager of a Brazilian oil and gas company in Bolivia. José sustains his work from a unique humanistic standpoint. However, when starting his job, he gets scared of a cultural diagnosis that occurred the previous year. The employees revealed a negative view of Brazil and the company, related to a history of domination. Looking at a Bolivian engineer’s drawing during the interviews, José could see this representation. One participant sketched a Bolivian employee as a boy imprisoned by chains to a ruthless adult representing the Brazilian managers. How can one react to a drawing with such a clear expression? For the first time, José saw himself in the oppressor’s shoes. As a Brazilian, he was used to feeling what it is to be in a subordinate role. Now, he is challenged to create an action plan to deal with the situation, even facing a headstrong boss like the adult’s depiction. He wondered what solution could make a difference for everyone involved and reduce this asymmetry. Thus, the case allows students to have a critical view of the subalternity involved in cultural differences in the international operations of multinational corporations. Furthermore, students can propose solutions for relational issues in the international field between the organization and employees within the South-South axis.


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How to Cite
Celano, A., Sauerbronn, F. F., & Moraes, A. B. (2022). Colonialism within Latin America? A south-south postcolonial perspective in human relations of a Brazilian company in Bolivia. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 20(5), 740–749.
Case Studies & Teaching Cases


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