Entrepreneurship Education in the Arts: perspectives and challenges

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Alexandre Leite de Ávila
Eduardo Paes Barreto Davel


This research aims to integrate, consolidate, contextualize, and discuss the academic production of Entrepreneurial Education in the Arts (EEA). EEA is essential for developing artistic entrepreneurship, an essential phenomenon for the creative economy. Through EEA, artists can learn to make their creations tangible, generating value for society. However, research on EEA is still dispersed and lacks more accurate and in-depth discussions. From a systematic review and analysis of academic production, we: (a) reflected on the importance of artistic entrepreneurship for the creative economy, (b) defined artistic entrepreneurship from four conceptual anchors, and (c) presented a consolidated view of production on EEA. The article contributes to discussing four perspectives and challenges for future research on EEA: (a) the local context, (b) the clash of identities (artistic versus entrepreneurial), (c) the issue of practice, and (d) the issue of emotions.


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Ávila, A. L. de, & Davel, E. P. B. (2023). Entrepreneurship Education in the Arts: perspectives and challenges. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 21(2), e2022–0097. https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-395120220097


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