Work values in the context of the creative economy: a study of female artisan-entrepreneurs in natural cosmetics

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Francisco Edson Rodrigues da Silva
Augusto Cézar de Aquino Cabral
Sandra Maria dos Santos
Conceição de Maria Pinheiro Barros


Work values represent what individuals consider important in the work environment, such as motivation, behaviors, and attitudes. Research on this topic reaches different groups of workers, including those in the creative economy, whose products and services reflect creativity, talent, and local culture. In this scenario, the artisanal natural cosmetics sector, specifically soapmaking, proposes a production guided by social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Thus, this work aims to analyze how work values manifest among female entrepreneurs in the artisanal natural cosmetics sector. The locus is the Brazilian city Fortaleza, which, in 2019, was recognized by Unesco as a Creative City. Data was collected through interviews based on a qualitative adaptation of the Revised Work Values Scale. Content analysis was conducted using Atlas.ti software. The results show that professional fulfillment and social relations are the most present values, especially in terms of creative work and collaboration for the development of society. The existence of a collaborative network was demonstrated, and the lack of specific regulation was found to be the main obstacle to growth. In addition, different meanings emerged from those brought by the theory for the values of stability and fulfillment, pointing to other configurations for activities not inserted in hegemonic economic models.


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How to Cite
Silva, F. E. R. da, Cabral, A. C. de A., Santos, S. M. dos, & Barros, C. de M. P. (2024). Work values in the context of the creative economy: a study of female artisan-entrepreneurs in natural cosmetics. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 22(2), e2023–0131.


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