Focus and Scope

Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania (CGPC) is a scientific journal publishing scholarly works in two areas of knowledge: public administration and public policies, encompassing interrelated areas such as environmental science, health, tourism, social service, and others in which public administration and public policies are transversal.

CGPC offers a platform with a plural methodological orientation open to qualitative, quantitative, and multi-method studies. It privileges studies presenting innovative methods with scientific rigor and relevance that offer clear contributions to the advancement of knowledge.

Submitted studies should involve state and parastatal organizations, as well as the various actors of the public sphere, including public-private sector partnerships, civil society organizations, philanthropic initiatives, social organizations, government agencies, and local production arrangements. The journal also welcomes intra-organizational studies offering analysis at the individual, group, or organizational levels.

Studies should refrain from merely replicating administration analytical models in the context of the public sphere. It is essential to contextualize, translate, and interpret the results based on the characteristics of the Brazilian public sphere.

CGPC publishes theoretical development articles, empirical studies, literature reviews, position papers, and essays, and technological articles.


Editorial decisions are based on the following principles:

  • Promote the research’s organizational and societal impact
  • Focus on relevant topics to organizations and society.
  • Promote the connection between theory and practice.
  • Ensure methodological rigor.
  • Recognize the plurality of approaches and paradigms.
  • Recognize the particularities of developing countries, with emphasis on South-South relations.
  • Acknowledge and respect authors, reviewers, and associate editors.
  • Promote objective and straightforward scientific language.

CGPC is aligned with:


CGPC publishes content that generates an impact on science and society. The community is invited to submit the following contributions:

  • Theoretical articles: Scholarly works that explore emerging and relevant phenomena innovatively and creatively. These articles must contribute to understanding such phenomena, preferably offering assumptions that can be tested in the future. The articles must explain how the new theories may contribute to the imminent improvement of managerial practices.
  • Empirical articles: Studies testing or developing existing (or new) theories. These articles must clearly explain the implications of their findings for managerial practices.
  • Literature reviews: These articles synthesize and integrate recent advances in topics relevant to society. The articles should present a critical view of cutting-edge research and point out paths for future developments.
  • Articles for the section Contemporary Brazilian Scenario: Scholarly works advocating positions on relevant issues, offering structured content and well-founded arguments. The articles must present a clear connection with the immediate reality.
  • Technological articles: Reports of experiences tackling practical issues of daily public management and public policies.
  • Calls for papers: Aim to gather studies dealing with relevant phenomena and issues, preferably related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Calls for papers define and contextualize an issue, establish questions to be explored, and inform the basic theoretical framework.

Open Science

CGPC is committed to the core values ​​of Open Science, promoting the publication of quality research characterized by integrity and pursuing collective benefit, equity, justice, diversity, and inclusion.

In this sense, the journal adheres to the following Open Science criteria recommended by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO):

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

CGPC asserts its commitment to the promotion and dissemination of knowledge as a common good, with equity and justice, involving the principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and in this way promotes inclusive governance with diverse and minority audiences. Consequently, CGPC confirms its efforts in favor of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG/UN), with emphasis on objectives 5-Gender Equality and 10-Reduction of inequalities.
For more information, access this link


Manuscripts can be submitted to CGPC in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Accepted articles are published in Portuguese, with a copy in English or Spanish.

Articles submitted for publication in CGPC must be original and must not be under consideration by another journal. The journal is open to publishing articles based on studies developed for theses and presented at scientific conferences.

Authors do not pay an article processing charge (APC) or any other fee to publish in CGPC. Readers do not have to pay to access the content. CGPC follow the Open Science Diamond model, in which the publishing institution subsidizes all expenses. More information about jornal financial sustainability: Declaração SciELO sobre Sustentabilidade Financeira.

To submit a paper, access this link.

Peer Review Process

The reviewing process begins once the editorial staff receives the submitted article. Immediately, the manuscript is evaluated for format adequacy. If approved, it proceeds to similarity tracking (iThenticate) and then forwarded to the editor-in-chief for desk review. This process results in rejection or continuation of the peer review process, composed of three steps:

1) Editor-in-Chief screening: The editor examines the suitability of the scholarly work to the journal’s editorial line and potential for publication. If they consider the manuscript is outside the editorial line or below the competitive standard of the publication, the editor-in-chief may reject it immediately. Otherwise, designate it to a member of the Scientific Editorial Board;

2) Preliminary evaluation by a member of the Scientific Editorial Board, who aims to identify the contribution of the article to its area of ​​expertise;

Note: In the sections Technological Article and Contemporary Brazil, the peer review process is open at all stages.

3) Peer review, by at least two reviewers: coordinated by a member of the Scientific Editorial Board of the article’s area of ​​expertise, it consists of the interaction between the authors and at least two expert reviewers who, when evaluating the work, make comments and suggestions for improvement. This stage involves continuous reassessments and joining efforts to improve the articles.

Publication Process

Once approved, the article is submitted for editing, spelling, and grammar review.

Once the review has been carried out, a final version of the manuscript is returned for the authors’ approval.

Intellectual property

CGPC is committed to protecting the author’s intellectual rights and:

The content of submitted articles is the sole responsibility of the authors. By submitting the article to CGPC, the authors guarantee that the manuscript does not contain any copyright or third-party rights violation and that the article has not been submitted for publication in another journal. When submitting, you must formalize the authorship contribution and declare any conflicts of interest.


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