Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania (CGPC – acronym in Portuguese;  Public Management and Citizenship Journal)  is a journal of the Getulio Vargas Foundation School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) published by FGV EAESP Pesquisa & Publications’ journals area. CGPC is committed to practicing and disseminating ethical conduct according to the patterns established by the FGV Ethics Compliance and by national and international institutions that regulate ethics and integrity standards for scientific publications, such as the  Committee on Publication Ethics Code of Conduct (COPE)Singapore Statement on Research IntegrityAcademy of Management Code of EthicsSciELO Guia de boas praticas para o fortalecimento da etica na publicacao científicaCSE’s White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, 2012 UpdateBoas Praticas da Publicacao Cientifica: um manual para autores, revisores, editores e integrantes de Corpos Editoriais da ANPADCódigo de Boas Práticas Científicas da FAPESPÉtica e Integridade na Prática Científica do CNPq.

Additionally, in the diligences involved in protecting copyrights, the articles submitted for publication in the CGPC are checked for similarities with iThenticate software, an internationally recognized professional platform, before being forwarded to desk review, and the Editor-in-chief is in charge of deciding whether or not to forward them to be evaluated as exclusively unpublished papers. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be handled accordingly to the COPE policies.

Therefore, to participate and perform a role in the scientific certification and publication in the CGPC – authors, reviewers, editorial committee, associate editors, deputy editors, editor-in-chief, editorial team – full adherence to the main code of ethics and conduct informed above and also described below is required, and also to position oneself as a reference of conduct and ethical integrity.

The topics described next are orientations [1] on ethics and conduct for the whole community contributing to the Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania (Public Management and Citizenship Journal) and they are inspired in the Ethical Norms and Code of Conduct of reference in the Brazilian academy of Public Administration. 


Ethical conduct - Authors

- To choose the correct journal where to publish their articles.

- To ensure the integrity of the data presented in the articles.

- To guarantee the authenticity and originality of their articles.

- To make proper quotations and to identify the sources when using third-parties’ materials.

- To make sure their articles do not contain any slanderous and defamatory statements and that they do not violate any third-parties’ intellectual, commercial or industrial rights.

- To make sure that their articles are not being evaluated by other journals.

- To inform any potential conflicts of interests created by their articles as soon as possible. A conflict of interest is any personal, intellectual, commercial, political, academic or financial issue. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.

- To inform the editor immediately should any flaws be identified in the articles and to correct them forthwith, both before publication and/or by publishing an erratum when the error is identified after the article has been published.

- An author who submits an article and is its main author will make sure that the authors who have signed the paper submitted for publication have effectively contributed to its creation and elaboration. CGPC recommend alignment with the authorship criteria of CRediT Taxonomy .

- To check whether their articles have proper contents and are in the correct format for the journal they have chosen.


Ethical conduct – Ad Hoc Reviewers

- To be a reference of conduct and ethical integrity.

- To ensure confidentiality, impartiality and integrity when evaluating articles.

- Not to use, by any means whatsoever, any privileged information they have learned when reviewing articles.

- To help perfecting articles with critical and constructive reports.

- To meet the review’s deadline agreed with the editor.

- To warn editor about any possible conflicts of interests able to hinder the integrity of the reviewing process. A conflict of interest is any personal, intellectual, commercial, political, academic or financial issue. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.

- To warn editor about any similar papers published or submitted for publication.


Ethical Conduct – Editorial Policy Committee

- To strengthen within the scientific-academic environment the practice of ethical conduct in all processes involving submission, peer review and publication of the journal.

- Not to use, by any means whatsoever, any privileged information they may have learned as a member of the Editorial Committee.

- To warn the editor-in-chief about possible conflicts of interests able to hinder the integrity of their performance as a member of the Editorial Committee of the journal. A conflict of interest is any personal, intellectual, commercial, political, academic or financial issue. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.


Ethical Conduct – Associate Editors

- To ensure ethical conduct in all processes involving review and scientific certification of the papers submitted for publication.

- To warn editor in chief about similar papers published or submitted for publication and/or any other pieces of information relevant for meeting ethical standards in the publication.

- To guarantee confidentiality, impartiality and integrity as a member of the Scientific Editorial Board.

- Not to use, by any means whatsoever, any privileged information they may have learned as a member of the Scientific Editorial Board.

- To suggest honest reviewers directly related to and performing in the specific area of the paper submitted for publication.

- To help perfect papers effectively, to stimulate reviewers to make a critical review of the papers by perfecting and complementing their respective reviews.

- To meet the deadline of the review agreed with editor.

- To warn editor about any possible conflicts of interests able to hinder the integrity of the review process. A conflict of interest is any personal, intellectual, commercial, political, academic or financial issue. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.


Ethical Conduct – Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editors

- To make sure all processes involving submission, peer review and publication in the journal are ethically conducted.

- To guarantee integrity, impartiality, confidentiality and transparence in the process of scientific certification of the articles submitted for publication.

- To ensure quality, originality, accuracy, coherence, diversity of thought in the papers approved for publication.

- To make sure that an ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparence and agility are applied in the communication with the different actors involved in the processes of submission, evaluation and publication of articles.

- To highlight the contribution of the journal to the advancement of knowledge.

- To ensure the journal’s sustainability and development before the scientific, academic and entrepreneurial communities.

- To make efforts in order to improve the journal constantly.

- To set and manage policies of conflict of interests of the different actors who participate in the process of scientific certification and publication of journals. A conflict of interest is any personal, intellectual, commercial, political, academic or financial issue. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.

- To define and put into practice policies of prevention of and sanctions to ethical misconduct.


Ethical Conduct – Editorial Team

- To guarantee ethical conduct in all processes involving submission, peer review and publication of the journal.

- To ensure integrity, impartiality, confidentiality and transparence in the process of scientific certification of the articles submitted for publication.

- To guarantee a high standard of ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparence and agility in the communication with the different actors involved in the processes of submission, evaluation, preparation and publication of articles.

- To warn the immediate supervisor about possible conflicts of interests able to hinder the integrity of their performance in the editorial team. A conflict of interest is any personal, intellectual, commercial, political, academic or financial issue. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.


FGV (Publishing institution)

To stimulate adherence to the FGV Ethics & Compliance


FGV in partnership with the editor-in-chief

- Assists the editor-in-chief in constantly improving the journal’s editorial quality and originality as well as scientific rigor.

- Will improve the viability and development of the periodical together with the scientific, academic and business communities.

- Will make every effort to constantly improve the journal.

- Will define and put into practice policies to prevent and institute sanctions in cases of bad ethical conduct. 


Cadernos Gestao Publica e Cidadania (CGPC)

- Assures that the editor-in-chief, members of the editorial staff, the editorial board, the scientific editorial board, and ad hoc reviewers are aware of their roles as promoters, defenders and followers of the CGPC Code of Ethics to which they must adhere.

- Assures ethical conduct in all of the periodical processes involving submission, double blind reviews, and publication.

- Assures integrity, impartiality, confidentiality, and transparency in the scientific certification process for the articles submitted for publication.

- Assures ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparency, and agility in communicating with the various actors involved in the processes of submitting, evaluating, and publishing articles.

- Will establish and manage policies regarding conflicts of interest among the many actors who participate in the periodical’s scientific certification and publication processes.

- Will define and put into practice policies to prevent and institute sanctions in cases of bad ethical conduct.

- Protects and preserves intellectual property rights.

- Constantly strengthens the editorial independence of the journal.


Intellectual property

CGPC commit itself to contributing to the protection of authors’ intellectual property rights. This is why it:

- Uses the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) for all published texts, except where there are indications of specific authors’ and sponsorship rights;

- Assure the author of the moral and use rights of his/her article;

- Recommend alignment with the authorship criteria of CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy);

- Use similarity detection software (iThenticate);

- Adopt actions to combat plagiarism and bad ethical conduct in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Authors' responsibility

The content of signed articles is the sole responsibility of the authors. The authors guarantee that the manuscript does not contain any copyright infringement or copyright of third parties, and that the article has not been submitted for publication in any other journal.

Processes regarding copyright policy and best practices for articles published in CGPC are also described in the Participation Rules, which authors must read and accept when submitting a contribution to the journal.


Policy for violations of production and scientific publication good practices

The CGPC follow the policies established in the SciELO Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication, and by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in case of violation of good practices in scientific production and publication.

The CGPC follow the Guide for the Registration and Publication of Errata when an errata is required.

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