E-democracy in administration field: mapping the construction of the field in Brazil

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Jose Antonio Gomes Pinho
Rafael Cardoso Sampaio
Ingrid Winkler
Katia Morais


This research aims to map the academic production on the field of Administration concerning “e-Democracy” and “e-Government”. The corpus is composed by articles published in Brazilian high impact journals in the field of Public Administration, public policies and information systems, from 2002 until 2016. The study analyzes the texts according to variables year, journal, author, approach (managerial, political, hybrid), through content analysis. The research has found 49 articles mostly concentrated in only seven journals and mostly produced by researchers from only six Brazilian institutions. In addition, we found that the term "digital democracy" was practically non-existent until 2011. Finally, management approach was predominant in early stages, but was overcome by political approach in recent years. We conclude that the area of Administration has been able to overcome an overly managerial view, but the subject still needs more academic attention.


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How to Cite
PINHO, J. A. G.; SAMPAIO, R. C.; WINKLER, I.; MORAIS, K. E-democracy in administration field: mapping the construction of the field in Brazil. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania, São Paulo, v. 24, n. 78, 2019. DOI: 10.12660/cgpc.v24n78.73630. Disponível em: https://periodicos.fgv.br/cgpc/article/view/73630. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.
Author Biographies

Jose Antonio Gomes Pinho, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Professor Titular de Administração da UFBA

Rafael Cardoso Sampaio, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Rafael Cardoso Sampaio é professor de Ciência Política da UFPR. Doutor em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas pela UFBA. Pesquisador associado do Centro de Estudos Avançados em Democracia Digital (CEADD) da UFBA e do Centro de Estudos Internacional do Governo (CEGOV) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Ingrid Winkler, SENAI- Bahia

Doutora em Administração da UFBA. Pesquisadora de Projetos de Inovação em Computação Visual no SENAI CIMATEC

Katia Morais, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutoranda em Comunicação Social na UFBA.