The role of incentives in career transition of public attorneys at the attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury

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Rosangela Dalla Vecchia
Diego de Faveri
Vanessa Brulon


This research aims to identify the incentives that can attract public attorneys of the National Treasury Attorney’s Office (NTAO) to managerial positions and to determine whether such incentives are currently in place in this agency. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 14 attorneys in 2019. The mixed grid content analysis resulted in the following categories of incentives: training, financial incentive, organizational support, nature of the activity, and flexibility of work arrangements. The results indicate that the main incentives are not always present in the NTAO, which decreases
the public attorneys’ interest in managerial positions at the agency. An important contribution of this research refers to the specificities of the mid-level bureaucrats (MLB) in the Brazilian public sector: the
activities of these professionals are permeated by the particularities of the Brazilian public administration as a whole, which negatively affects the provision of incentives such as “training” and “nature of the activity.” The persistence of the bureaucratic ideal also challenges the incorporation of incentives in the category “flexibility of work arrangements.”


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DALLA VECCHIA, R.; DE FAVERI , D.; BRULON, V. The role of incentives in career transition of public attorneys at the attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania, São Paulo, v. 29, p. e89025 , 2023. DOI: 10.12660/cgpc.v29.89025. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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