Planning for development: Lessons from planning processes in China

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Theo Fleider
Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira


Planning has been a fundamental tool for organizing the development process in many countries. Planning processes played a key role in China’s development, but they are still little discussed in international literature, and practically nonexistent in Brazilian literature. Therefore, this article provides a historical and critical analysis of the Chinese five-year plans
carried out in the period from 1953 to 2020. A qualitative analysis of the main characteristics of each plan was carried out, as well as a discussion of the most important lessons that can be obtained from each plan in light of the planning and public management literature. The main lessons to be learned are: the importance of decentralization in planning, the need for bottom-up dynamics, placing plans as state and government policy, thinking of development as a diversified process, plans and goals following flexibility and incentive strategies and obtaining learning through the trial and error process.


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FLEIDER, T.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J. A. Planning for development: Lessons from planning processes in China. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania, São Paulo, v. 29, p. e90293 , 2024. DOI: 10.12660/cgpc.v29.90293. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.
Fórum: Res-publica/Gestão Pública, Nação e Desenvolvimento Econômico na Vida e Obra de Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira


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