
Contemporary Brazil

Technological Article

In a separate file:
- the contribution of each author is informed based on the CRediT criteria;
- the corresponding author is indicated;
- the authors’ data is provided: e-mail, institutional affiliation (main unit/subunit or department), city, state, and country;
- the link to the individual ORCID page is informed;
- the link to the individual CV Lattes page is informed (for Brazilians);
- include research funding information;
- declare the possibility or not of conflicts of interest in carrying out and communicating the research. A conflict of interest is any personal, intellectual, commercial, political, academic or financial issue. Conflicts of interest may occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence their writing or evaluation of manuscripts. Read more: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest;
- all articles have DOI.


Section: Articles

Scholarly works with relevant implications for practice and research in management and public policies are the priority of the editorial policy of the journal Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania (CGPC). 

CGPC provides a template article. Click here to download it. 

 Formatting guidelines 

Submission language: Portuguese, English, or Spanish. 

Length: Between 5000 and 8000 words – full text, including title, abstract, and five keywords (in all three languages Portuguese, English, and Spanish). Including also tables, figures, and references. 

Font: Times New Roman, size 12. 

Alignment: Justified. 

Line spacing: 1.5. 

Italics: Used to highlight words and/or expressions in foreign languages, titles of books, and journals. 

Bold: Used for titles and subtitles. 

Quotation marks: Used in direct quotes of up to 40 words. 

Authorship: The authors should not be identified anywhere in the manuscript, preserving anonymity. 

Title must be written in the three languages. 

TITLE: All caps + bold + justified. Respect the limit of 80 characters with spaces. 

   Title: Upper/lower case + bold + italics + justified. 

   Title: Upper/lower case + bold + italics + justified. 

Abstract must be written in the three languages. 

The words ABSTRACT | RESUMO RESUMEN: All caps letters + bold. The text of the abstract must have a maximum of 150 words; Upper/lower case; single paragraph. 

The toltal of five keywords must be written in the three languages. 

The words Keywords | Palavras-chave Palabras clave: Upper/lower case + bold. Respect the number of five keywords in lowercase, separated by a comma. 

Article Sections: Titles and subtitles should not be numbered, and the use of abbreviations in titles should be avoided 

   SECTION TITLE: All caps + bold + justified. 

   First subtitle: Upper/lower case + bold + justified. 

   Second subtitle: Upper/lower case + bold + gray. 

Paragraphs: Indentation of 1.25 cm. The first paragraph of each section is not indented. 

Footnotes and endnotes: CGPC does not publish footnotes and endnotes. Where relevant, insert the content into the body of the text. 

Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements of funding institutions and copyright holders, in the case of reproduction, must be sent in a separate file; after approval, when the manuscript is published, the note(s) will be inserted at the end of the article. Example: We thank Fapemig, CNPq, and CAPES 

Abbreviations: When a term is presented for the first time in the text, it must be written in full, followed by its abbreviation in parentheses. Subsequent mentions may be abbreviated without explanation. You should not switch between abbreviated and full forms. Example: Supply Chain Management (SCM). 

Tables and Figures 

Tables and Figures follow the format described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition) and must be inserted throughout the text. These elements must be submitted in editable format and if it is colored it has been transformed into gray or black tones. They must not be sent in separate files. 

Tables must contain numerical data and/or textual information. They display a number in bold, title, and information between rows and columns. 

Figures are any non-textual representation, such as graphs, maps, and photographs. They must have a number in bold and a title. 


The excess of tables and figures jeopardizes the text’s readability. 

Tables and Figures will be published in Black and White to according the Journal's graphic design. 

Make sure that all tables and figures are referenced in the text. 

CGPC does not publish annexes and appendices. When relevant, the information must be incorporated in the body of the text or as a Table/Figure formatted following APA style. 

The use of images/photographs should be avoided. If essential, the source and authorship must be included. If the author of the manuscript is not the author of the image/photo, after approval of the article for publication, CGPC  will request authorization for its publication. It should be noted that the legal department of Fundação Getulio Vargas will evaluate the validity of the license granted. The same procedure applies to images of people. The authorization provided for the use of the person’s image must be sent to CGPC. 

Equations and Hypotheses 

These elements must be standardized following the APA style (7th edition). 

Equations should be numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses, right-aligned. 


x2 + y2 = z2                        (1) 

(x2 - y2)/2 = z                     (2) 

Hypotheses should be right-aligned and numbered with Arabic numerals. The numbering must be preceded by the abbreviation “H.” 

Example: H1: Top management leadership has a positive and significant influence on alliances and resources. 

Citations and References 

Citations and references must follow the APA style 7th edition. 


 Section: Contemporary Brazil  

Reflective texts in the form of essays or thoughts. The articles are composed of freer forms of scientific contribution and are characterized by critical and creative approaches, revealing new perspectives and leading readers to reflections on relevant topics in the area. The texts must have a consistent theoretical basis and point to a path of innovation or improvement in relation to the issue being addressed.  

Submission and reviewing Process 

Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated by the guest editor responsible for the section, Professor Marco Antonio Carvalho Teixeira (FGV EAESP). At the time of submission, the authors must select the section “Contemporary Brazilian Scenario.” The guest editor may invite authors to submit their manuscripts to the section. 


Formatting guidelines 

Submission language: Portuguese, English, or Spanish. 

Length: Between 3000 and 5000 words – full text, including title, abstract, and five keywords (in all three languages Portuguese, English, and Spanish). Including also tables, figures, and references. 

Font: Arial, size 12. 

Alignment: Justified. 

Line spacing: 1.5. 

Italics: Used to highlight words and/or expressions in foreign languages, titles of books, and journals. 

Bold: Used for titles and subtitles. 

Quotation marks: Used in direct quotes of up to 40 words. 

Authorship: The identification of authors is restricted to the registration form in the submission system. The authors should not be identified anywhere in the manuscript, preserving anonymity. 

Title must be written in the three languages. 

TITLE: All caps + bold + justified. Respect the limit of 80 characters with spaces. 

   Title: Upper/lower case + bold + italics + justified. 

   Title: Upper/lower case + bold + italics + justified. 

Abstract must be written in the three languages. 

The words ABSTRACT | RESUMO RESUMEN: All caps letters + bold. The text of the abstract must have a maximum of 150 words; Upper/lower case; single paragraph. 

The toltal of five keywords must be written in the three languages. 

The words Keywords | Palavras-chave Palabras clave: Upper/lower case + bold. Respect the number of five keywords in lowercase, separated by a comma. 

Article Sections: Titles and subtitles should not be numbered, and the use of abbreviations in titles should be avoided 

   SECTION TITLE: All caps + bold + justified. 

   First subtitle: Upper/lower case + bold + justified. 

   Second subtitle: Upper/lower case + bold + gray. 

Footnotes and endnotes: CGPC does not publish footnotes and endnotes. All relevant information must be included in the body of the text. 


Tables and Figures 

The insertion of tables and figures should be avoided. When essential, they must be inserted in the body of the article. These elements must not be saved as images and must be submitted in editable, color-free formats. They must not be sent in separate files. 

Citations and References 

Citations and references must follow the APA style 7th edition. 



Section: Technological Article 

Technological articles are reports of experiences lived in daily public administration, tackling practical issues and issues related to public policy management. These articles emphasize the knowledge obtained from the practical results achieved and focus on innovation regarding building alternatives to immediate problems in managing the organized social life.  

The scientific rigor (theoretical, methodological, and writing) must be observed as in any other type of academic text.   

Submission and reviewing Process 

Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated by the guest editor responsible for the section, Professor Fernando de Souza Coelho (EACH-USP). At the time of submission, the authors must select the section “Technological Article”. The guest editor may invite authors to submit their manuscripts to the section. 


Formatting guidelines 

Length: up to 4000 words – full text, including title, tables/figures (if any), and references. 

Font: Arial, size 12. 

Alignment: Justified. 

Line spacing: 1.5. 

Italics: Used to highlight words and/or expressions in foreign languages, titles of books, and journals. 

Bold: Used for titles and subtitles. 

Quotation marks: Used in direct quotes of up to 40 words. 

Executive Summary: (maximum one page) 

Presentation of the public policy argument/problem situation and theoretical foundation (up to two pages) 

Research methodology (presentation of instruments and data sources) (one page) 

Results and analysis (up to five pages) 

Public Policy Considerations and Recommendations (one page) 

References - one page 


Tables and Figures 

In addition to tables and figures, texts with an Appendix duly inserted and highlighted in the text will be accepted. 

Citations and References 

Citations and references must follow the APA style 7th edition. 




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