CGPC asserts its commitment to the promotion and dissemination of knowledge as a common good, with equity and justice, involving the principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and in this way promotes inclusive governance with diverse and minority audiences. Consequently, CGPC confirms its efforts in favor of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG/UN), with emphasis on objectives 5-Gender Equality and 10-Reduction of inequalities.

In this sense, CGPC undertakes to:

- Contribute to initiatives that aim to promote changes in the academic community that meet the cultural ethos of inclusion, equity, and representation of diversity;

- Always work for broad representation of authorship, editing, and reviewing, considering geographic, institutional, and socio-economic diversity;

- Promote and receive submissions from minorities and diverse audiences;

- Encourage authors to use respectful and inclusive language when writing their manuscripts. Inclusive language refers to diversity and regards all people with respect. It is a language that is sensitive to differences and promotes equal opportunity (see APA’s Inclusive Language Guidelines);

- Guide Associate Editors and reviewers to speak up immediately when identifying language that promotes racist, ageist, sexist bias, or any type of bias that promotes disrespect, exclusion, or aversion to any type of audience;

- Suggest that authors base themselves on the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines and the SAGER Guidelines Checklist, which offer a systematic approach to the use and editorial review of information on sex and gender in research;

- Lead authors, reviewers, and editors to know the document SciELO Declaration in Support of Open Science with IDEIA, APA’s Racism, Bias, and Discrimination resources,  APA’s Action Plan for Addressing Inequality, as well as APA’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion, COPE’s Diversity and Inclusivity,  and COPE Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility position statement before submitting to CGPC;

- Search for representatives of minority groups, in addition to geographic, institutional, and gender diversity to occupy governance and evaluator staff;

- Pay attention, monitor, and analyze gender indicators of the editorial board, authors, and reviewers;

- Encourage and support data collection that allows the development, measurement, analysis, and management of indicators of diversity, equality, inclusion, and accessibility;

- Strengthen communication with all stakeholders (mainly editorial board, reviewers, and authors) about the relevance of adherence to DEIA principles, ensuring the progress of science;

- Promote the FAIR Principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) Principles in all collections.