
In the online submission process, it is important:
• Report authorship contribution based on CRediT criteria.
• Declare the possibility or not of conflicts of interest in carrying out and communicating the research. A conflict of interest is any personal, intellectual, commercial, political, academic or financial issue. Conflicts of interest may occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence their writing or evaluation of manuscripts.
• Indicate the author of correspondence.
• Insert the authors' data: email, institutional affiliation (main unit/subunit or department), city, state and country;
• Include link to each author's ORCID.
• Include link to each author's CV Lattes (for Brazilians).



Theoretical articles should be supported by a broad bibliography of research and should propose new models for relevant phenomena in the field of Business Administration. Empirical works should provide an advance in the field in terms of providing research that has a rigorous methodology and that is conducted with appropriate criteria and adequate analysis.

Click here to download a template of article. 

General formatting

• Language of publication: RAE accepts submissions in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
• Length: A maximum of 8,000 words – for the complete text, including title, abstract, keywords, tables, figures, and references. Please add the word count after the abstract.
• Font: Time New Roman, size 12; Alignment: Justified; Line spacing: 1.5.
• Italics: Used for words and/or expressions from a foreign language which are not found in Portuguese dictionaries, as well as book titles and periodicals.
• Bold: Used for headings and subheadings.
• Quotation marks: Used for direct citations of up to 40 words.
• Authorship: To preserve anonymity, the identification of the article’s authors is restricted to the registration form in the article submission system. There should be no identification of the author(s) within the article.

• The title must capture the essence of the manuscript, be brief and objective. It must be written in the three languages.

• TITLE (E):Upper case + bold + justified. Respect the limit of 80 characters with spaces.
    Título (P): Upper and lower case + bold + italic + justified.
    Título (S): Upper and lower case + bold + italic + justified.

• Abstract must be written in the three languages. Make sure the abstract reflects the content of the article.

• Term ABSTRACT (E) | RESUMO(P) | RESUMEN (S): Upper case + bold. Text with at most 150 words in upper and lower case in a single paragraph.

• The toltal of five keywords must be written in the three languages. Choose attractive keywords that reflect the topics covered in the document.

• Term Keywords(E) | Palavras-Chave (P) | Palabras Clave (S): Upper case + bold. Respect the limit of five keywords in lower case, always separated by commas.

•  Article sections: Avoid the use of abbreviations in titles. Headings and subheadings should not be numbered
   • Section Heading: Upper case + bold + justified.
    First Subheading: Upper and lower case + bold + justified.
    Second Subheading: Upper and lower case + bold + gray.

• Paragraphs: The first paragraph of each section should not be indented, the others should be indented 1.25 cm.
• Footnotes and endnotes: RAEdoes not publish footnotes or endnotes. When relevant, insert the content in the text.
• Acknowledgements:Acknowledgements to financial institutions and the owners of authors’ rights, for reproductions, should be sent in a separate file; after approval, when the article is published, the acknowledgment (s) will be inserted at the end of the article.

       Example: We wish to thank Fapemig, CNPq and CAPES

• Abbreviations: When a term is presented for the first time in a text, it should be written out, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Subsequent mentions may be abbreviated without explanation. The article should not alternate between the written out and abbreviated forms. Example: Supply Chain Management (SCM).


Tables and figures

Tables and Figures follow the format described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) and must be inserted after the References and in the text is necessary to mention where they are to be inserted. These elements should be submitted in an editable form and if it is colored it has been transformed into gray or black tones. They should not be sent in separate files. 

Tables are a visual representation of numeric, textual data, and/or textual information. It is numbered in bold, contains the title, and is composed of columns and rows.

Figures are graphs, maps, photographs, infographics, and other illustrations not textual. It is numbered in bold and contains the title.


٠ The formats considered for editable files are: original Excel file (XLS), Vector (EPS, Ai, PDF and SVG), for Graphics drawn directly in Word, editable text is also suitable and finally, if they are generated or drawn in specific software, must be exported in Vector.

٠The excessive use of tables, figures, exhibits and graphs can make the text more difficult to read and understand.

٠ Make sure that all the Tables and Figures are referenced in the text.

٠ RAE does not publish attachments or appendices. If it is relevant, they should be incorporated in the text or as a table/exhibit, respecting in this case the formatting for tables/exhibits.


Equations and hypotheses

Equations should be numbered using Arabic numerals and right aligned.


x2 + y2 = z2                       (1)

(x2 - y2)/2 = z                     (2)


Hypotheses should be numbered with Arabic numerals and right aligned. The numbering should be preceded by the abbreviation "H".

Example: H1: Top management leadership has a positive and significant influence on alliances and resources.


Citations and references

Citations and references follow the rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).




Essays are freer forms of scientific contribution and are characterized by critical and creative approaches, revealing new perspectives which lead readers to reflect on themes relevant to their respective areas of knowledge. Essays should be consistent theoretically and point to innovation or improvement in their respective fields of study.

Click here to download a template of essay.

General formatting

•Length: A maximun of 5,000 words.
• Font: Times New Roman, size 12; Alignment: Justified; Line spacing: 1.5.
• Italic: Used for words and/or expressions from a foreign language which are not found in Portuguese dictionaries, as well as book titles and periodicals.
• Bold: Used for headings and subheadings.
• Quotation Marks: Used for direct citations of less than 40 words.
• Authorship: To preserve anonymity, authorship should be identified only in the registration form for the article submission system. Authorship should not be identified within the article or in the Properties of Word.

• HEADING ( three languages): Upper case + bold. Respect the limit of 80 characters with spaces.
  • SUBHEADING 1: Upper case + bold.
  • Subheading 2: Upper and lower case + bold.
  • Subheading 3: Upper and lower case + bold + gray.

• Abstract must be written in the three languages.

• Term ABSTRACT (E) | RESUMO(P) | RESUMEN (S): Upper case + bold. Text with at most 150 words in upper and lower case in a single paragraph.

• The toltal of five keywords must be written in the three languages.

• Term Keywords(E) | Palavras-Chave (P) | Palabras Clave (S): Upper case + bold. Respect the limit of five keywords in lower case, always separated by commas.


٠ Diagrams should be avoided in this type of text.

٠ If your paper presents a theoretical development but is not appropriate for the Essay Section, consult the formatting for theoretical development articles.


Citations and references

Citations and references follow the rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).


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