Knowledge networks and ambidextrous learning: What is the impact on innovation performance?

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Xiaoli Li
Kun Li


Knowledge networks have become a critical factor in the development of innovation. However, most studies focus on the innovation benefits derived from network embedding, and there are fewer studies on firms’ knowledge networks from the perspective of feature attributes. This study analyzes the direct and interactive effects of knowledge diversity and the combination of knowledge potential on innovation performance. The research also explores how the complementarity of ambidextrous learning affects the relationship between knowledge networks and innovation performance. The empirical analysis is based on panel data from 116 firms in China’s automotive manufacturing industry from 2010-2018. The results processed by the fixed effects negative binomial regression model indicate that the combinatorial potential of knowledge has an inverted U-shaped relationship with firm innovation performance, and knowledge diversity has a positive effect on firm innovation performance. There is an interactive effect between knowledge combination potential and knowledge diversity, and their mutual coordination improves firm innovation performance. The complementarity of ambidextrous learning significantly and positively moderates the positive relationship between the combination potential of knowledge and firm innovation performance.


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LI, X.; LI, K. Knowledge networks and ambidextrous learning: What is the impact on innovation performance?. RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas , [S. l.], v. 63, n. 6, p. e2022–0105, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020230602. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 jul. 2024.


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