Adaptation and validation of self-report job precariousness scale for Brazilian gig work context

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Paula Martins Nunes
Teresa Proença
Mauro Enrique Carozzo Todaro


The research intended to adapt and validate the self-report job precariousness scale for the Brazilian gig work context, and to investigate the association of the dimensions of job precariousness with gig workers’ subjective experiences and work outcomes. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted in a sample of 504 Brazilian gig workers. In addition, , zero-order correlations were performed on a sample of 304 Brazilian gig workers for criterion validity analysis. Results supported a four-factor structure and the bi-factor model, reinforcing the assumption that the job precarious scale is a multidimensional measure with a hierarchical structure. Reliability analysis (Alpha coefficient and bifatorindices) indicate that the scale presented adequate internal consistency for all four dimensions and the full scale. Results regarding criterion validity demonstrate that job precariousness is negatively linked to well-being and positively associated with ill-being; in addition, the dimensions of job precariousness and job remuneration have significative associations with all variables of work outcome investigated. This study introduces the Brazilian
version of the self-report job precariousness scale with robust psychometric qualities to assess workers’ perception of precarious working conditions in the Brazilian gig work context. In addition, it broadens the scope of research on precarious working conditions, and their impact on psychological experiences and work outcomes. 


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MARTINS NUNES, P.; PROENÇA, T.; CAROZZO TODARO, M. E. Adaptation and validation of self-report job precariousness scale for Brazilian gig work context. RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas , [S. l.], v. 64, n. 5, p. e2023–0487, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jun. 2024.


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