Project for the development of a tax credit control system for the estate and gift tax: toward digital transformation in state tax administration

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Flávio do Cabo de Carvalho Nebenzahl
Carla Carvalho da Veiga


The study aims to report the preparation of the Estate and Gift Tax Control System (SCITD) project by mapping the workflow processes to manage the credits from the estate and gift tax (ITD). The project resulted from identifying the need to modernize the ITD tax assessment process and the relationship between taxpayers, tax authorities, and other bodies involved. The result of the project was the specification of a digital system that would promote digital transformation in tax administration. In the end, the SCITD was not developed, but the knowledge generated in the project has been used in the modernization of the State Department of Finance and will be important for the evolution of the current system, designed based on part of the functionalities specified for the SCITD.


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How to Cite
NEBENZAHL, F. do C. de C.; VEIGA, C. C. da. Project for the development of a tax credit control system for the estate and gift tax: toward digital transformation in state tax administration. Revista Tecnológica de Administração, Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, n. 1, p. 47–58, 2024. DOI: 10.12660/reta.v1n1.2024.91479. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.
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