Cadernos EBAPE.BR is an online journal focused on the area of administration, maintained by the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EBAPE). Formerly known as Cadernos EBAP, it was launched in 1980 and is currently published bimonthly.


The journal aims to promote the debate of relevant topics in administration and its editorial line is based on interdisciplinary and critical perspectives. The target audience includes practitioners, professors, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students in administration and related areas in Brazil and abroad.

Editorial Scope:

Cadernos EBAPE.BR’s editorial line aims to create a free access platform for academic debate by publishing empirical research, theoretical essays, case studies, and bibliographic reviews. Published articles explore topics discussed in the field, privileging the debate and plurality of ontologies, epistemologies, methodologies, and theoretical approaches in organizational studies.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Cad. EBAPE.BR and should be used in footnotes, references, and bibliographic elements.

ISSN online 1679-3951

Vol. 22 No. 3 (2024) - Social and solidarity economy in the organization of decent work: sociological interpretations

Published: 2024-06-27

Sociological interpretations of decent work in the social and solidarity economy

Stefania Becattini Vaccaro, José Roberto Pereira, Cristina Parente


The solidarity economy beyond the issue of labor

Jean-Louis Laville, Jeová Torres Silva Junior


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Call for Papers


Cadernos EBAPE.BR accepts submissions in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Click on the link for a list of all open Calls for Papers.

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Editorial Team


Editor-in-Chief: Hélio Arthur Reis Irigaray

Associate Editor: Fabricio Stocker

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Publish with us


Articles, book reviews, and case studies & teaching cases should be submitted to ScholarOne Manuscripts. Click on the link below to submit your manuscript.

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Index and Classification

Academic Keys | Clase | DIADORIM | DOAJ | DRJI | EBSCO | EconBib | ERIH PLUS | EuroPub | EZB | Gale | Google Scholar | LatAM-Studies | Latindex | Miguilim | OASISBR | Periódicos Capes | ProQuest | Qualis/Capes | Redalyc | Redib | Road | SciELO | Sherpa/Romeo | Spell | Ulrich’s |


Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30, Room 107 – Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil - CEP: 22231-010 |                                Phone: + 55 (21) 3083-2731 | E-mail: