Sociological interpretations of decent work in the social and solidarity economy

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Stefania Becattini Vaccaro
José Roberto Pereira
Cristina Parente


This text presents the thematic issue that approaches the sociological interpretations of decent work in the social and solidarity sconomy. The first part presents different interpretative theoretical currents about work in modernity and contextualizes the concept of decent work launched by the International Labor Organization. Subsequently, the interface between the social and solidarity economy and decent work as a field of study is developed based on bibliometric research. The last part presents the articles that make up this issue of the journal.


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How to Cite
Vaccaro, S. B., Pereira, J. R., & Parente, C. (2024). Sociological interpretations of decent work in the social and solidarity economy. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 22(3), e2023–0240.


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