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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Before submitting your article, carefully read the following guidelines and make sure you accept the conditions presented in the Participation Rules.
  • All articles must have relevance to social impact: either for improvements in society in general, or for organizational practice.
  • All articles must have relevance and make clear practical, theoretical or methodological contributions.
  • The manuscript is original and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Authors and co-authors do not have another manuscript in the submission and reviewing process at CGPC
  • The manuscript is written by a maximum of five authors.
  • The authors declare to be aware of and accept the CGPC’s Ethics and Conduct guidelines; and the journal’s Guidelines
  • Authorship is not identified in the text or any supplementary document sent by the author.
  • The text file must be in .doc or .docx format.
  • The Articles has a maximum of 8000 words, including the title, abstract, and five keywords (in all three languages Portuguese, English, and Spanish). Including also tables, figures, and references.
  • The length of the essays published in the section Contemporary Brazilian Scenario and scholarly works published in the section Technological Article should not exceed 5,000 words, considering the full text, title, tables, figures, and references.
  • The font used throughout the text is Times New Roman, size 12. Titles and subtitles are in bold. The text alignment must be justified, and the line spacing must be 1.5. Footnotes and endnotes are not published (all relevant information must be included in the body of the text). Tables and figures must be analyzed/discussed and inserted throughout the text, and if it is colored it has been transformed into gray or black tones.
  • Citations and references
    must follow the APA style 7th edition.
  • In a separate file:
    - the contribution of each author is informed based on the CRediT criteria;
    - the corresponding author is indicated;
    - the authors’ data is provided: e-mail, institutional affiliation (main unit/subunit or department), city, state, and country;
    - the link to the individual ORCID page is informed;
    - the link to the individual CV Lattes page is informed (for Brazilians);
    - the authors prepare a declaration of conflict of interest (individual per author or on behalf of all authors).
  • The Open Science Compliance Form must be completed and sent with the article in step 2. Transfer of the manuscript.