Philanthropy and education public policies: Interactions mediated by multiple institucional logic.

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Patricia Maria Emerenciano Mendonça
Paula Santana Santos


In education policies, starting in the 2000s, there is an approximation with the philanthropy sector seeking to increase the quality of education through collaborations and focus on results, with emphasis on evaluations within the system. Despite the influence of philanthropy, the field has been marked by a multiplicity of actors and multiple institutional logics, linked to state, professional and market action, which become more prominent as local contexts of implementation are observed. At the implementation  level of public policy, contexts are more diverse, including more actors and local influences, characterizing this environment as high institutional complexity. In the interaction of the direct actions of the philanthropy in the projects of strengthening of the management of education policies, it is possible to differentiate professionals of the education and the education managers. In the context of these projects, it were observed practices that seek to increase the compatibility of logics, mainly in the interactions between philanthropy professionals and education managers and in and the way of choosing and structuring projects by the philanthropy.


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MENDONÇA, P. M. E.; SANTOS, P. S. Philanthropy and education public policies: Interactions mediated by multiple institucional logic. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania, São Paulo, v. 25, n. 80, 2020. DOI: 10.12660/cgpc.v25n80.80688. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.


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